Joeyjag97's Replies

Hey Ruby! Umm... no. It's underrated. popcorn and coke Movies/TV shows Netflix Books Music Burgers Cheesecake Footy Cats Beer Cigs Sleep The sound of rain Spiders. Emma Watson.. ugly? In what universe? "In war, there are no winners. Only widows." :) +∞ this is exactly the shows point right here^. Lack of understanding. I struggled watching a few scenes and i'm 19. Lmao @ you thinking a 10 year old should watch it, it's fucking heavy. they're definitely setting it up for season 2. There were a lot of unanswered questions, I would be ok if it ended with the one season, but i'd most likely tune in for another. urrrmm.. they must have said liberty high a dozen times. same with the rape scene, you can see how broken Hannah is in that moment, like her soul was destroyed. It's heavy. The Bell Jar. wait, he's back in Supernatural? I stopped at season 10. she was amazing throughout the entire season. all I can say is keep watching, shit gets real from episode 9 onward. this^ yeah