
I hate they took away the mental illness aspect of suicide. And the fact Hannah's reasoning was rather asinine.. bullied children are terrorized. Hannah seemed like an attention whore. Boo hoo people think I have a nice butt, boo hoo everyone likes my anonymous poem, boo hoo my picture got out , no one knew it was me but I'm ready to die.

Maybe if she was treated like Carrie (horror movie) I'd feel some real empathy. She wasn't merciless picked on.

anyone else feel it kinda down played the seriousness of bullying?


So, rape isn't serious?


Rape is but having a nervous breakdown after being hailed as the "best butt in class" or exploding when kissing the boy of your dreams certainly points to some physiological issues.


Of course she has issues. She was bullied in her previous school, then comes to a new town and is let down whenever she opens up to someone. And, to top it all up, she first witnesses a rape and then gets raped herself.


That's bullshit. Every single time someone said anything to her, it set her off. Being told she was "ok" set her off. Being told her had a nice butt set her off. not immediately getting her jokes set her off. Her problems were not a result of everyone else, but were a result of her ineptitude to just let shit go. People that emotionally unstable and mentally weak are not fit to survive in society. This was just Darwinism in practice.


this is exactly the shows point right here^.

Lack of understanding.


Rape is serious. That's why it should be reported.


Actually it's pretty clear that Hannah is not in full control of her emotions. If only her parents weren't so distracted by their financial problems I think they'd have noticed it. A good therapist and a some medications would have prevented her death (and, as it seems, not just hers).


There is a reason why a person is not considered fully accountable until the age of 18 - hormones, which often cloud judgement and impair reasoning. Hannah is behaving like a normal teenager with trust issues. Therapy maybe, but medications don't always work and often aren't the correct way to go..


I disagree. It feels like there is more to it. "Normal teenagers" overcome these issues. Thy bounce back.


Nobody ever leaves high school.


It was the cumulative effect... I think they wanted to demonstrate how you could take a young person who was beautiful, witty, kind hearted with good parents and over a series of events completely break down their will to live. The 13 reasons itself was a little gimmicky and it's hard to swallow that all these things would happen in succession but I think the creators' point is that everyone's threshold is at a different place and we all should be mindful whether you're talking about circulating an unwanted photo, stalking, bullying or sexual assault that everyone's breaking point can be something different.


Very well said.

I also liked that you could see the different viewpoints. Her tapes offered hers, but she wasn't always correct, like her thinking that Clay was so confident when in his reality he was scared 'shitless' (his words), and Taylor stalking her because he liked her, Zachs motives etc...

You also get to see that her 'bullies' had their own problems and abuse or at leasts their reasons (no excuse) where not what she thought.

And then the people she herself, and many others, treated badly or completely ignored.


yes, that's what made the story a cut above the average teen drama... that they tried to add dimension not only to the bullies but the parents, counselors and teachers as well. Only the principal was a typical villain.
