MovieChat Forums > pzogel > Posts
pzogel's Posts
Trailer looks stupid
Which chitty spin-off no one asked for is next?
Holdo actually tells Poe that she has a plan in the comic adaptation
Given that it can't be worse than the The Last Jedi
Ehrenreich has signed up for three movies
Mark Hamill talks about Lucas' former plans for Luke in EPIX
Jennifer Lawrence looks spectacular in this
Alden Ehrenreich looks like the weak link
Who's the biggest hack?
Would you forgive Disney if they'd release a proper Blu-ray of the OT w/o George's silly additions?
The Blu-ray will feature 20 minutes of additional footage
Even Star Wars Jedi Academy, a 14 year old video game, gets Luke right
Would you rather watch "Jedi Rocks" for 10 hours straight or TLJ for another time?
Did he get a hair transplant/wig?
Did you act like a disgruntled fan in the theatre?
I'm impressed
Why PG-13 and barely any violence/gore?
Looks like the Nolanites are already out in full force