MovieChat Forums > JestersDead > Replies
JestersDead's Replies
The OP is right.
In the original timeline, he has already killed 3 times AND his mother is still alive.
How can his mother subsequently become his first victim?
Interesting observations. I actually liked the most recent episode more than previous ones.
Could be just a case of warming up to the new Zeitgeist.
And why does everyone on the ship hate everybody else?
It's all so negative.
Ripple effect dude. He still did have the hand when he started attacking John in 1999.
@Doco80 - you're forgetting the ripple effect. It does make sense.
I hate him too. Not subtle. Not funny.
It's bizarre - they're trying too hard, the acting is hammy, and all subtlety has been abandoned.
I agree about Ryan Gosling's mono-face. I felt bad for him as an actor being dealt that hand.
At least Deckard in the original didn't know if he was a replicant or not.
It's not feasible. But the film is a sequel so had to be set within a certain time frame of the original.
I'm surprised at how ageist a lot of criticism is. I didn't think they looked too much older at all.
Some of what you said is correct though. There was much less subtlety in the situations and Larry's reactions to them. He was just mean most of the time, whereas before you could easily side with him in 90% of his conflicts.
I felt Larry tried too hard. His acting appeared forced or phoney at times, instead of being natural and flowing.
And there was far too much SHOUTING.
The scene at the end might've been funnier if Larry's disguise fooled the irate lesbian, instead of him crawling around on the floor.
I'll still watch it, hopefully it'll calm down.
Thanks. Yes, I find it too distracting. To my ears, it's the musical equivalent of canned laughter.
Shame, as it has similarities with the too soon cancelled Forever.
I enjoy the characters so much that the occasional ludicrous plot doesn't bother me too much.
1984 was a great year.
But check out 1986, it's even GREATER.
They borrowed money from the bank, using Ray's house as collateral.
The joke is that 13% is incredibly high, and the repayments to the bank will be exorbitant.
Plus if their Ghostbuster business fails, and they can't make the repayments, Ray will lose his house.
The remake should be burned
She fell off before he could push her.
Or he pushed her and she thought she'd fallen off.
I think the former as it's more innocent, which is more in line with the tone of the film.
You can't underrate anything this bad.