lasteven's Replies

I try to check out the different ones to find the best features, but I haven't gotten to that one yet. Does it have forums for individual shows (and threads within the forums)? Any imported past IMDb content? Hulu also had the first three seasons posted, and I'm hoping they'll add 4 sooner rather than later for viewers in the States. Thanks for the non-confirm on rumors -- at this point, I should stay off any forums I think for spoilers, but I'm glad to hear that the season is going well. Whoa, I didn't realize they'd started a season 4 (we're in the States). Really loved the first three seasons, so I'll definitely take a look. My taste isn't everyone's, but I really enjoyed the movie. It had a great cast with Johnny Deep, Aidan Quinn, Julianne Moore, and a small appearance by CCH Pounder. Quirky, sweet, and poignant. Yes. I don't know how that will be done, and it's always been a scene that seemed divisive among fans of the book. It will be interesting to learn how they choose to handle that. I think that special effects have come a long ways, but I'll just hold my breath when the moment comes and hope they made the right decision. I admit, what has me the most nervous is how they choose to handle the sexual aspects of the climax (no pun intended). Update: I spent a little more time at imdb2, and confirmed my previous experience (that it didn't have the full functionality I wanted in terms of threads for each TV show and film, plus actors/actresses, etc). I can't completely speak for the admin there being "a jerk" as another poster in this thread said, but I did get a reply from the admin there which seemed a little snippy. I was in a discussion thread about other IMDB alternatives, one specifically about moviechat. I said I preferred MC because of the boards for each film/show, and the admin jumped in to say that they'd said repeatedly in other places that IMDB2 was just to recreate the general posting boards, not anything more. Um, dude? Really? It was like saying "Hey, let's discuss if you like anything better than a bicycle?" And I said, "Yes, I prefer cars because of the stability of four wheels," and the admin says, "Hey! It's a bike! Just two wheels, that's it, I've told you before." Sigh. Agree with you on that ranking. I've got huge affection for Raiders as it came out when I was a kid, and I was already inclined to swashbuckling adventure through my Dad's collection of adventure fiction. It was like everything I loved came to life. I got to see a lecture by Julian Glover a couple of years ago, and then he hosted a screening of Crusade--so much fun! But, really don't like that one. Kate Capshaw didn't fit well for my taste, and I'm generally not a fan of the cute kid as a sidekick. I watched it on TV long after its release, and my roommate wandered through the room. We watched a scene with Short Round, it fell flat for us both, and I sighed and said, "They did a worldwide talent search...for that?" Admittedly, YMMV, and lots of people may have enjoyed him. Good one! That would really leave it up to him what to do in the end--could he ever trust her? Walking Dead (although I do enjoy it and have read all but the most recent comics). Respectfully, we see GoT very differently, but it's a good question to ask. It's so good that I honestly CAN'T watch it whenever we re-watch the movie. It's so intense, frightening, heartbreaking, and nail biting. Sheer perfection. Inspired by the fun memories in this thread, we got out our DVD of Tremors and are having a great time on a lazy Saturday. Earl: aaahhh! Aahhhhhhh! AAHH! ... damn prairie dog burrow! Val: sons of bitches... That's really interesting about Matheson! I didn't read much at the time about the show as it was going because we could only rent the DVDs once they were released. Staying spoiler free was hard as heck! (We did the same with Lost and a few other shows, so we got pretty good at it, but with the prevalence of social media now it became nearly impossible not to hear about the latest twist.) Oh yeah, the babysitter dad from hell, lol. I never liked to babysit, but that alone would have put me off it forever. I have a real soft spot for Season 2, cougar and all. (Have you read about P-22, the famous mountain lion in that area? They've had some fun, interesting articles about him plus some great photos, although he did have a mini-scandal when he decided to go snacking at an LA zoo.) Season 2 does actually rank as one of my top favorites (we watched all seasons, but not Legacy). I think the cougar scene gets used as shorthand for the sideplots which felt more unnecessary. (It was difficult at times I think to know how to work Kim in appropriately after the first season. I think they made the right call for the show by moving her out of the main plotline.) I liked the Kate Warner character in Season 2 and thought she fit in well -- one of my favorite moments was realizing that it was her sister was the one involved in things, not her husband. Plus Michelle Forbes that season? Awesome. It sure was! Thanks! I'll definitely have that in my pocket then the next time we're staring at the screen, trying to figure out what to try next. We did enjoy Homeland (husband wasn't interested in going on after Damian Lewis left), plus 24 and Prison Break. We've been watching a lot of Scan-noir TV lately like the originals of The Bridge and The Killing, but we should finish up with the shows we have in another week or two. Thank you for the description. I think we've just had well-meaning friends who grabbed for the first comparison that came to mind. LOL, if you've got Cineworld unlimited, then just GO and figure out later what you want to watch. :). (We had unlimited for 2.5 years when we lived in England, and we just went to everything we could. If nothing else, we got air con for free, ha ha.) Whatever you choose, have fun! Me, too, although I have pretty bad judgement about what would be a good, hopping discussion. :-) I keep posting though. I'm only a member at one other place (but have only been posting here since I found moviechat), so I'm still trying to figure out how to post and raise awareness for people who would really enjoy it here. Is there maybe a list of the alternative sites, something comprehensive, that could be posted and we could post in their general forums to say hi and let people know? Guess you broke into the wrong g**damn rec room! :-)