lasteven's Replies

Maybe they'll tell us about Jimmy Hoffa at the same time that they give info on Karen Silkwood. :-) I'm afraid we'll have to agree to disagree. While there were a few jokes that I would've been OK with dropping, overall I was really entertained and thought it was very funny. I think, for me, the biggest problem (of many) for Jar Jar Binks was that he was played as such a buffoon that you just cringed instead of being able to laugh along with him. Baby Groot has a sweetness, sincerity, and winsomeness that makes him feel very different from Jar Jar. True, that still may not be at all funny or appealing for you. :-) Thanks! I think the method is what people are thinking of as a spoiler because that specific info wasn't included in previous materials. For me, I had read a decent amount about the movie and seen all the clips and trailers, but the review included specific info about the fate of a character early on (how do you describe a spoiler without spoiling, lol?), so I think I'd count that. It was something I'd guessed would make sense, but I didn't know the method or other details. Any links to the reviews you were reading would be great. What I've seen so far coming from the London premiere was generically (mostly) positive, but I'm sure there'll be quite a spectrum as more people see it. I have a black leather jacket, moto style (waist/belt length), and I have a black leather duster, knee length. They're pretty much the same except for length, so I can get that he just has two different jackets. I confess that although I was a very invested fan at first, I stopped watching at the end of Season 4. It seemed to me that characters were very out of character, the needle whipping back and forth according to however the scriptwriters/directors wanted to go that episode (maybe just in that half of the episode!). While I did really enjoy Felicity at first, and her relationship with Ollie which seemed to have a little different flair at the time in that the working girl might get the boss, I came to dislike what they did to the character. I liked her and Ollie together in the beginning, even platonically, but her characterization really seemed to fall apart for who she was, as she was introduced. It became kinda painful to watch, so my interest drifted and died, which is a shame. But I still have my Season 2 DVDs. :-) I had completely forgotten he did that as well. I saw the movie and enjoyed it, although I was a little distracted and should probably rewatch it. So you don't like Ripley (the character) or Ridley (the director)? Or both? I watched every episode, and S1 was my least favorite. In fact, weirdly, a lot of the show bugged me, but it did have some great moments. It was culturally significant in a lot of ways, but not always pleasant or comfortable. I got the most out of Nancy and Elliot's storyline which to me had the most to offer in terms of growth, pathos, and joy. Personally, I loved that the flashbacks were new material that could shed even more light on each character's relationship with Gary. I didn't think much either way about Roger not being present. It's entirely likely that Roger had either graduated or transferred by then, and he hadn't even heard about Gary's death. By the time I saw that episode, in the later 90s, I had lost a good friend, and "Second Look" meant a lot to me as an examination of a cohort of good friends losing one of their own and going on. Thank you very much for the suggestion; I appreciate it very much. I'll certainly take a look at the book and see if there's any footage online that I can glance at. I heard an interview on NPR with David Edelstein the film critic which said the film's ending went in the complete opposite direction, but I can't confirm since I haven't seen it. What would be a good Gaiman book to read as a starting point? I've tried a few different ones (Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes, The Graveyard Book, the beginning of American Gods), and none of them sparked my interest. It could just be a matter of not being my style, but I know how well regarded and important he is, so I'd like to find a way to appreciate his stuff. Any suggestions? True that -- the song is great. I saw BF in theaters, and although I had some hopes, I didn't enjoy it as I'd hoped. I admit, I didn't watch the Adam West TV campy version, and I think I was hoping for a Batman like what we later got in The Dark Knight Trilogy. By comparison, BF is just a different beast. I have to say that, although more often in later seasons the writers did give Maura socially awkward moments for humor, I didn't find her annoying. From my personal perspective, Jane ignored Maura more often and was prone to make fun of her. Personally I preferred their dynamic in earlier seasons which showed Maura being a little more confident and Jane being more amused and protective fo her. I saw one or two hour-long documentaries about the lost expedition. I tend to be really interested in that kind of thing, but for some reason Z didn't especially spark me. I felt like it passed the time pretty well, but it didn't get me quite the way I expected. I know that's not the same as this specific property, so I'm still looking forward to watching it, but probably as a rental. I love this movie so much, and the ending is a big part of that. I do believe that the older sister (Ileana Douglas) was skating in that specific spot for a good reason. She really hated Suzanne Stone, never thought she was good enough for her brother, and she was really devastated by his death. She definitely would've been signing up to proverbially dance on her grave. I remember desperately wanting to see this movie, but stuff kept happening and I was in grad school, but finally it came back to the art theater on campus. I was deathly sick, but dragged myself out to it. Which is how I discovered that the concessions stand would give you free hot water in a cup if you brought your own teabag. I didn't have a teabag, but the hot water was heavenly. So was the movie! I enjoyed it. There were things that required a little suspension of....not disbelief exactly, but they required me to sort of take something at face value, but I didn't mind. I enjoyed the overall idea.