MovieChat Forums > sONOMArEturns > Replies
sONOMArEturns's Replies
Well then get your facts straight before another libtard dork makes a fool of you on the internet big boy lmao
Racism died with Obama, remeber?
Erhm, actually...the word "snowflake" as an insult has left-leaning origins. It came from Civil War-era left-leaning abolitionists who called pro-slavery conservatives "snowflakes" first in a Missouri speech in 1860. Read for yourself, numbnuts.
And if you wanna use the "well, it's in Fight Club" that argument sucks even harder. David Fincher is a huge leftist and damaged incels hijacked the movie the same way they did The Matrix. So, you fail on every level possible.
I think this movie had a stronger screenplay, but the FFC film had a much more interesting visual style.
if only there were superheroes in this movie
oh now suddenly everyone gets it? yall are all liars lol. and yep, I love impressing people. you know that's what the word means, right? so, who am I impressing? you?
Mummy 2017 was just boring. It was a remake of the 1999 Mummy without anything that made it GOOD. It would be interesting to see Fraser return to the franchise to play a more character-driven role.
this movie was what it would be like if wes Anderson made a serious horror film.
Exactly what I was thinking?? Unless there was some sort of explanation that makes the thing trapped on the oil rig, unable to jump overboard.
I'm sure Nolanites are already hovering their mouses over the 10-star rating on IMDb to ensure this film cracks the IMDb Top 10.
I really hope it bombs. Ban all superhero movies for 10 years. If Trump did that, I would be lifelong maga.
I agree, it's a fun movie and it's well shot by a talented filmmaker. The action scenes are a lot of fun and movie is really campy and enjoyable. I place it above The Ward, Body Bags, Memoirs, Village, and Escape from LA.
Ah yes, the whole "people only like The Thing because of its special effects" argument. It's not even the strongest element of the film, but sure? I really have to wonder if people from the 50's just don't have an eye for cinematography or an ear for music? Or if paranoia, the study of friends being forced to become enemies under circumstance, or the shapeshifting alien are all too complicated for people over a certain age? I mean, I'd argue a cellular creature that mimics lifeforms with perfect accuracy is far more interesting, compelling, and scary than a lumbering Frankenstein monster ripoff. But for whatever reason, boomers seem to find the Frankenstein monster more original and frightening? Whatever rocks the wheelchair.
But yeah, it's ONLY worth watching as a "special effects demo". You say there's no "human drama"? I highly recommend paying attention to the movie next time. You call this a "retard film" yet you yourself seemed to have blatantly missed the most easily observable point of the movie.
Also, trying to use "there's no pretty girls" as a legitimate argument is hilarious. I've got news for you...check out Pornhub, tons of plenty girls there.
Admit it you laughed at that
The trailer Headspace would've liked:
In a world...where architects want more...
BWAAAAMP Jew will rise.
*cue sad piano version of 'Coffin Dance'*
"When I was a kid, all I wanted was to be an architect"
"You'll never be an architect! You're a jew! Hahahahahah!!!"
"I'll prove them wrong, I'll move to America!"
You've seen Adrian Brody fight King Kong, you've seen Adrian Brody fight weird Splice monsters, now, in 2024, you'll see him fight societal norms in...
"Hey, what do they call you?"
"Me? Well, they call me..."
Rated R. Starting in theaters this friday.
Return of the Jedi and Rogue One are both great. Revenge of the Sith is at least great fun, if not campy.
It's definitely shot on 35mm film, but I agree it has that crappy digital look. That's because so much of this film was painted with CGI, even in the landscaping shots. Any scene where the characters are outside looks so digital because it's basically all green screens and CGI, like a Spy Kids movie. The whole film looks so artificial. However, you can certainly tell it's 35mm when it's a scene with two people in a room, without any special effects in the way.