old3eyes's Replies

I just hope there's a season 3. He's not wrong. It's currently on Tubi. I gave up after episode 3 I think if they were somehow able to prevent Trump from taking office it would be civil war 2. If season 2 goes any slower it will be on rerun before it finishes Agree. We both enjoyed it. Had a great soundtrack.. He is commuting their death row sentences to 99 years. Wonder if Trump can reverse this. IMDB shows a season 2 but no date. Watched 3 episodes and think I'll call it quits Not available in my country. I did, full house. Netflix after Xmas? It was a great movie. I was too young to see it first release in 1959 but hot to see it when it was released in the late 1960s in Super Cinerama. Fabulous sound. I have the Blue_ray of it. I tried to streem this on Netflix to my Chromecast but it would only play on my phone and not the TV. Great series. Just finished watching season 3. Pity there's not a season 4. Happy birthday "hotlips" Happy birthday Stephanie. Season 2 was way better than season 1. I hope they do a season 3. If it wasn't for Obama propping her up she'd be lost.