[email protected]'s Replies

thank you! Yes Jim archived many IMDB posts/threads... and brought them here. I think he is working on bringing more over this weekend, so if you see this site shut down for a bit, dont panic! He announced it on the general board. It was pretty nice of him to give us the heads up. Love it here. Jim is our hero... So glad to have found this site. agreed. Although I think King of Queens would work with Leah and Kevin again. His new show was awful because she wasnt in it. Thanks for the info! Love Movie Chat. yep yep agreed..Ignore the trolls Just posted on Big Little Lies..Great HBO show. Im hooked. Sorry to disagree, but I love it. I like an extra hour of sunshine. And its a farewell to winter for me. The days get longer, and I feel spring/summer nearby. I love Spring Forward! Changes my mood because I like the sun and light. Hate winter and darkness. I am thrilled that we change the clocks tonight. Ive been on Facebook, on my personal page and Movie Chats page to spread the word. This is a great site and Jim is archiving all the posts/threads from IMDB here. Welcome! I am new too,,,just a few weeks in. Lots of great peeps here and Jim is doing an amazing job archiving IMDB threads for us... Thank you Jim... I have noticed more traffic and new members here. The site is great and we will help spread the word. Thanks for the heads up, and updates. When they showed Perry grabbing Celeste for the first time on the show, I was taken aback.. He is intimidating. Something so off about him. He plays the role well. But I wish she would leave him. He would be the type to really go off if she tried to. Very scary and unhealthy relationship,,,she takes part in the cycle as well. She does feed off of the aggression too. Very common and very sad. It is great television... Im in for the whole season. I can see these theories being possible, but I really hope Janes attacker isnt one of the husbands. It would feel too staged, too predictable...also I thought she got out of Santa Cruz to start a new and fresh life,,so that wouldnt add up. We need to see the shoes in every husbands closet! Love this show. Flawed characters just like all of us. Every one of us. Its a series I would want to binge watch. I have finished all 3 episodes and its written and done really well. I didnt know this was based on the book, which I will plan on reading. Great casting. Just love it. Maybe You Tube eventually... It was good.. Helps if you are familiar with Whatever happened to Baby Jane, but the backstory is good too. Lol good to hear! My only gripe is that they show Norma in every scene.. I dont feel she died at all..It would have more impact if they showed her less, and not in such a comedic role. I love Norma, but it is losing it affect on me, seeing her so often..Especially how she died last season..Those eyes made me cringe in the last scene..