MovieChat Forums > Lancecam88 > Replies
Lancecam88's Replies
She could have remarried if she wanted to. Assuming that she was about Roses age or maybe a little older she would have been in her late 30s or early 40s. Not ancient and still possibly still capable of bearing a child should that be necessary.
How exactly would that happen? How can they drag her back against her will?
How exactly would that happen? How can they drag her back against her will?
How exactly would that happen? How can they drag her back against her will?
How exactly would that happen? How can they drag her back against her will?
Well, even in Rose's story she comes off as a loose, inconsiderate and spoiled bitch.
Ah, bless your simple-minded heart.
I was certainly cool with it. She was cheating on him and she didn't even try to break with him is a decent manner. She wanted to rub his face in it. I was glad Jack died and they didn't get to be together.
Idk, I can look past the whole "being a rapist" aspect, but his hairstyle is unforgivable.
Also, Jeffrey in the show did have a good reason for killing Robert's bastards. They were a threat to his reign and could be used against him if found out.
The whole premise of the scene was changed and the outcome is different. In the books it is considered one of the more brutal acts. I think this comes a little too early in the story compared to the novels but to get to the point, blood and cheese went into the tower of the hand were Alicent was staying. They snuck in and apprehend Alicent and wait for Heleana to bring her children to their grandmother before bed. Once Haleana and her children are in the chambers they appear and tell Heleana that she had to choose which one of her two sons were to die. Helaena offers herself but blood and cheese refuse. She would not initially choose so to get an answer from her they threatened to rape her daughter. She eventually settles on her youngest son and make sure that he knows that his mother chose him. Instead, they kill the older brother and heir much to the horror of Helaena. The two leave the others unharmed but they depart with her sons head. The grief sends Helaena mad and it is believed this led to her suicide. There is more to it but the show really missed the significance of this event.
I think it was a mixture of what happened in the library and him knowing full well that she married Charles out of spite.
This is what we saw in the film and their relationship. At the end of their european tour before their upcoming wedding in which Rose has lavishly spent Cals money. She has a new wardrobe and paintings from Paris that he bought her. From the start we see Cal who is excited about being on the Titanic and Rose who is unimpressed. We see him playfully teasing her about the paintings and she shoots down his taste in art. We see the party dining with the ships owner and builder and Margaret Brown. Rose proceeds to light up a cigarette and blow rudly blow smoke into her mother's face after she admonishes her.Cal calls her out on her rudness and orders their lunch. He asks for her approval and all she does is smile. She then unloads her misplaced anger and proceeds to unprovokingly insult Bruce Ismay with suggestive insults and storms off. He keeps silent and eventually follows her to the boatdeck asking her if she is proud of her behavior. After her suicide stunt Cal graciously invites Jack to dine with them. Afterwards, ge tells her that ge is not blind to her depression and to let her in so he can make her happy. Oh, and he presents her with an enormous and rare diamond.
He is kind to Jack and after dinner he is told that Rose is slumming it up with this man she barely.....knows nothing about. Nevermind that at the time it was considered scandalous for a lady( no matter how much of a feminist) to act such a way. When she throws back that he had her followed and she will do what she wants. He finally looses his cool with this petulant girl and in response decides to have Jack draw a nude picture of her wearing the diamond and with a scathing note and to add insult to injury decides to leave him without any explanation for some poor scumbag. What man wouldn't loose their cool?
There is not one scene we see Rose even try to connect with Cal or act.....reasonably nice to him. He has no clue that she is using him for his money. Does she ever give him a chance?
Let's see if you remember. First, the girl wasn't stolen from anyone as it is suggested that she was abandoned. Also, she was not left to drown as she was seen on the Carpathia after the survivors where rescued. So, had he not been the "bad" man and used the girl for a spot in the lifeboat she would have died.
If anything, she has some blame on the the destruction of kings landing.
I am not sure that they had that in mind at the time of their death. They made as if they were trapped and that the entire ceiling above them was collapsing and that trying to avoid being crushed was futile.
From the looks of it they could have simply moved out of the way and avoided being crushed.
I do not even recognize the show anymore.
Yes indeed.
His death was painful and while somewhat fast, he had time to let it sink in that the end was near and worse yet, he believes it was at the hands of the man he hated the most.
You are right in you assessment. I still do not think she is mad. From what it looks like to me is she just lost her shit and let out anger and sarrow from recent tragedies in a short span of time. People often snap under certain conditions but ot is not madness.