tobisama's Replies

I agree. Treat them as a "What would happen if...." is the best way to enjoy them. I don't find it creepy at all. I see it as a tribute to Peter Cushing and his great character. We saw a young Jeff Bridges version in Tron (2010), so what makes this creepy, the fact that Peter Cushing is dead? not for me. If I were an actor I would be happy to be remembered and recreated in a future film specially if it's part of a big story like Star Wars, I think this was much better and even less distracting than another actor playing the same role. Movie has science and has fiction, end of story. "i.e. not all fat people are gluttons, some just eat a normal amount and they still get fat due to metabolism" I disagree, practically all the fat people that I have met have one thing in common: they eat a lot!....the metabolism thing in most of the cases is just an excuse. I still haven't found a really fat person eating a normal diet. And one more thing, usually what people call "normal amount of food" is still more than needed in many countries. LOL that's the best explanation!!! I also ask this myself ....and I'm not talking about the show.... Probably that would create a whole new alternate reality with another version of you..... Wait for season 2!!, according to wikipedia they are going to explain even more. And in horror films, and sci fi, for me not everything needs a detailed scientific explanation.... I would "hit" her for sure. She is so beautiful.... I was expecting the death of the psychopath Chris since the beginning of season 2....but I was waiting a more interesting death, maybe killed by his father and not in a flashback. He was in hibernation most of the time. Nope, I don't agree at all with this theory, I'm pretty sure that he is alive, because visually there is nothing that shows us he is dead, all the explanation while he is inside the black hole and the chat with the robot, all the dialogue with his daughter who said that he should go and find Anne Hathaway, that she knew that he would come back because he promised her, the fixing of the TARS, when he wakes up and he is in the ship, all that elaborated "dream" ....all that would be completely ridiculous and pointless if he is dead.. Or maybe he was traveling to the afterlife with the robot at the end?...come on...this movie would not waste all the scientific explanations to end like that.... They put a lot of effort on the film to explain the aging difference the relativity, specially showed at the end of the film when his daughter is an elderly woman..... Sorry but this is not that kind of film, for me the ending was very straightforward and in some way similar to The Martian, he survived, was recognized by everyone as a "legendary" person and that's it. Or maybe in The Martian Matt Damon died in the storm and everything else was a fantasy, an afterlife experience? please, enough with that theory, lately every movie has it..... It's funny how you said that the speech of Mann is the key to understand the film, how can be a single speech more important that all the other things they talk the rest of the movie? It was stated from the beginning by Cooper that there were no ghosts. Just science. A different thing would be him reunited with his TWO KIDS at the end of the film , and there was no need to show his daughter as an old person.