MovieChat Forums > EDavies > Replies
EDavies's Replies
I don't think they've watered Gaston down. The only reason why he never doubted Belle's intelligence, is because he sees Belle as a prize to be won, and her intelligence only makes her an even better prize in Gaston's eyes. Also, here's this exchange during their conversation. may contain spoilers.
Gaston: (while following Belle) Belle, I heard you had trouble with the headmaster. He'll never like me either. Can I give you a little advice on the villagers though? They're never going to trust the kind of change you're trying to bring. (steps on Belle's cabbages)
Belle: All I wanted was to teach a child to read.
Gaston: The only children you should concerned yourself with are...your own.
Belle: (tries to get past Gaston but he blocks her path.) I'm...not ready to have children. (manages to get past him and enter the gate.)
Gaston: Maybe you haven't met the right man.
Belle: It's a small village, Gaston. I've met them all. (closes the gate and starts to head home.)
Gaston: (opens the gate and follows her) Maybe you'll want to take another look around. Some of us have changed.
Belle: Gaston, we can never make each other happy. No one can change that much.
Gaston: Oh Belle. Do you know what happens to spinsters in this village after their fathers die? They beg for scraps like poor Agathe. This is our world Belle. For simple folk like us, it doesn't get any better. (grabs her dress and pulls her closer to him.)
Belle: (pulls dress away from him, and backs away into the house as he creeps up to her.) I might be a farm girl, but I'm not simple. And I'm never going to marry you Gaston. I'm sorry. (closes the door.)
What you just said, you just proved yourself to be a heartless, self-centered, homophobic, xenophobic jerk who shows no empathy for others other than himself.
I think you got things messed up. You're the one who thinks gay are the weak, and the straight are the strong. I'm for equality between gay and straight without each other forcing theirs beliefs on others. You're the one who's twisted, sick, and evil. You're the one who cares about only himself and no one else. Even though I'm a straight myself, I believe that it is completely irresponsible, controlling, and cruel to shun out gays and forbid children to become gay if they want to be gay. Children need to be free to lead their own lives.
So let me ask you a question. Are you homophobic? And are you trying to force children to be homophobic?
It's not just kids idiot, it's also for adults as well. Walt Disney himself said that he does not make films primarily for children. He makes them for the child in all of us, whether we be six or sixty. That is why Disney films are often called family films!
You claim that Disney is brainwashing kids yet you brainwash them into thinking that being gay is evil. It makes you a hypocrite doesn't it? You force kids to be exactly what you want them to be without considering how they would feel. What if they don't want to be who you want them to be? Children need to be free to lead their own lives. And you are forbidding them from leading their own lives.
So now we know who's the evil one now, it's you.
You claim you are not threatened by anyone different than you, yet you strongly oppose to having gay characters in Disney film. It's rather hypocritical isn't it? And I'm not the evil one. I'm for equality between straight and gay. My brother has a friend who's gay and he doesn't mind. This gay subplot that was in the movie, lasted only a few seconds. Few seconds! And yet you make a huge deal about it. It makes you rather childish doesn't it
THe only vile, toxic thing around here is you. You're xenophobic, homophobic, closedminded, selfish, arrogant, evil social Darwinist who thinks the strong (straights) should rise above the weak (gays) and seeks to dominate all others. So go to hell, you devil!
I'm getting upset over the negative reviews it is getting, when I've spent months anticipating its release and the day I'm going to watch it.
And let negativity change my excitement for this film, when I've read novelization spoilers, and listened to the soundtrack, and seen clips of it, giving me the knowing that it will be a great film? You got to be joking!
Want to know why I get upset with negative reviews from others? Because negativity puts me down and wears me down. By having positivity from others is the only way I'll ever feel good about myself. Especially when anticipating for the release for the film I'm most excited to see.
I may not be Hollywood, but I know more about the film's production than you can possibly fathom. I read their interviews and the facts behind the scenes in magazines and even the new Tale as Old as Time art book. They know what they're doing. I have faith in them.
By seeing negative reviews, they might get dissuaded from seeing this film.
Right. So when you call this crap, you're going to ruin it for those who are excited to see it, huh?
"Looks" and "what I've seen" are all connected to appearances.
You can't judge things based on appearances now, can you?
Why are you so threatened by anybody different than you?