Emergan's Replies

[quote]Hillary did get 3 million more votes, though.[/quote] Dumb libtard. No, she did not. You libs need to quit saying that as it is factually WRONG!!!. Trump was leading in popular and electoral votes by the time he hit 270. Hitlary Cunton only finally surpassed Trump in popular votes early the next day when Trump had already crossed the finish line making Hitlary's votes moot. Without the EC, Hitlary probably would have won (and we would be engaged in a WW3). But since we still have the EC, whatever candidate gets 270 wins and anything that happens after that doesn't mean shit. So suck it you butt-hurt libtard pervert loving fag. Donald The Douche Dump is still better (not by much though) than Hitlary Rodram Cunton and Basuck Odickma. [quote]Why does this show seem to bring out the trolls so much?[/quote] While trolling the discussion board to a show you don't like and didn't watch. Also, you link to Yahoo, an irrelevant internet dinosaur who did not disclose for several years that more than 500 Million accounts were compromised and that a Billion more were also compromised as a result of 3 separate data breaches? Like I am going to read your "fake news" article. Fuck off. So you are here trying (and failing) make a valid point and you never watched the show??? Are you just some libtard troll that likes ranting against anyone who is conservative? You have lost all credibility and everything you say is automatically invalid. Off to the ignore list you go. I can deal with sexist petulant douchebags like Dallas but for someone to spend so much time typing nonsense only to admit you don't actual have a place in this conversation or on this board because you never seen Last Man Standing... just get out. I don't have time for dumbasses like you. By the way, the title of the show is "Last Man Standing" not "LMS". Don't be one of those assholes who are too lazy or stupid to actually spell a title out. I am a "Real American" because my beliefs are American. Being an American is not about where you live or if you were born here, it is about what is in your mind. If your beliefs and values are fundamentally un-American then you are in fact, NOT an American. I think that the Constitution should be amended to reflect that interpretation. Ofagma's entire presidency is unconstitutional and illegal because he, as a communist, adheres to an ideology that is fundamentally incompatible and opposite to the beliefs that this once great nation was founded upon. So suck it. If you want to provide evidence of something you don't link to a source like the LA Times, which is a biased liberal "news" site. Why not just link to some Facebook post. I didn't read most of what you said, just enough to know you are a dipshit. Most of Hollywood is very liberal but liberalism isn't the same as it used to be. The idea the liberals can't be sexist or racist or bigoted in any way is a fallacy. The Democratic party has a well documented history of racism and hatred. I would link to one of the many sources but I am sure you can manage a simple Google search assuming you are open minded enough. Yes, Hollywood is greedy, I have never disagreed with that fact but... just read my second post. Dallas is a sexist muslim lover so he is definitely the "left" hand. Nice cumback, that's why I can see it all over your face. You must be a sexist because you use sexist slurs like the "c" word and people who are sexist are usually racist as well and vice versa. If I started calling people "nigger", you would think I was racist. Also, I haven't called anyone on this board a "faggot" but the fact that people keep calling you that explains a lot. At least I am not a sexist/racist libtard who's own mother had wished she had aborted him. lp;dr Libtard propaganda; Didn't read. Gross Sick of all these perverts. You are just an overly sensitive muzzy loving woman hating libtard pussy cuk wimp and a shill for the left who is easily offended and riled-up by anyone who dares to disagree with or argue against your inane rantings. I would tell you to grow a pair but you would just have them cut off again. The show Doubt was canned after only two episodes and on its face, you may be wondering why. Doubt was not much different than any other legal drama. The network will never admit it but it was because of that ugly annoying tranny actor. It would have been more profitable to not have that tranny on the show. Some shows are more successful because they push the liberal agenda and some shows and networks like Fox News are more successful because of there non-liberal views while some shows like Doubt fail because of it. Fox News was the highest rated and the most profitable cable news network and was the only news network not lying. Did MSNBC, CNN or any of the other liberal news networks attempt to copy Fox in order to be more profitable? No they did not. If Hollywood absolutely cared more about money then continuing to corrupt American culture and values, then SNL, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report and all the other liberal propaganda spewing shows would be pushing a Conservative or at least, a Republican point of view. The liberal agenda has been very successful and profitable for Hollywood and politics plays into their greedy scheme. If everyone in America was the same than the views expressed on every show would be ordinary and the entertainment industries would be struggling to keep people distracted. It is that constant Democrat vs Republican battle that draws viewers in. Despite Last Man Standing's success, ABC decided it would be more profitable to take the liberal side and cancel the conservative show in favor of something more liberal. Are you retarded or just plain stupid? I am not a Republican or a Democrat. You should not go around making assumptions about people you do not know. Both parties suck and Bush, Basuck Odickma, Hitlery Cunton and Donald Dump can all go to hell where they can spend eternity sucking each other off. The Republicans and the Democrats make up the two sides of the same sexist/racist hate coin, fuck them and their corporate overlords. Yes, Hollywood is greedy but Hollywood is full of mostly liberals who push a PC and "let your freak flag fly" rainbow spectrum loving agenda in order to corrupt and brainwash the stupid and gullible into being their loyal pawns. Real Americans like me, are sick of the liberal agenda and rhetoric. Real Americans aka "The Conservatives" as well as the Republicans are tired of it and that is why Trump got elected. 235 thousand for the Tim Allen isn't alot. The main cast of The Big Bang Theory are pulling in a collective 6 Million per episode for a show that has about 18 million viewers. Even if the Last Man Standing cast is taking a collective 1 Million (which seems really low for such an awesome cast and show), that means that Last Man Standing costs (in cast payouts) 1/6 of what The Big Bang Theory costs even though it is bringing in 1/3 the viewers. This isn't about money, the show is profitable. This is about politics and the fact that some libtarded ABC executive's jimmies got rustled because of what Tim Allen said on another show. The libtard scum of this once great nation need to grow the F up, Trump got elected for a reason. America is tired of your rainbow spectrum loving PC bullshit.