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hitfan's Replies
I am not letting him off the hook about that. But the neocons were screaming at him about bombing Syria, until he did.
Anyway, now that he is reelected, it appears to me that he will be a much more blustering and warmongering neoconservative this time around. I suspect that he made a deal with influential neoconservatives and AIPAC supporters to help him win the election.
His bullying of Panama, Greenland, and Canada have shown him to be a petulant child.
Maybe I am wrong, but I don’t have much hope. Expect to see Trump the Imperialist (at the behest of Israel) this time around.
I am a Vincent Price fan, mainly through his horror films, and I thought that he was excellent in this. He stole the show.
I finally watched this movie on Amazon Prime last night and I think this movie is a hidden gem.
He tried to pay off a hooker to keep quiet and he used all sorts of trickery to hide it, which was fraudulent. If he had just paid her off and wrote it as a straight business expense, it wouldn’t have been illegal.
Despite this, I think the convictions are going to help Trump politically. This will galvanize the Republican voters during an election year where Democrat voters aren’t really that fond of Joe Biden.
Pretty much this.
That being said, he is not a monster like Jared Fogle.
I used to stay up late watching SCTV reruns that played at midnight on TV when I was in high school.
I found his skits where he hosted 3D B-movies to be hilarious.
Godspeed, Count Floyd.
They held auditions for actors to play Ali at the time, but it was rationalized that Ali was too well known and too distinct a personality that only the real Ali could play the part of Muhammad Ali.
I think he does a more than adequate part here. He was as they say, a genius for the role.
Yea, the second part was boring and rather heavy-handed. It was a complete contradiction of the tone of the first part. I don’t mind ideas expressed where I might disagree, but when it’s presented in a disagreeable manner, well, I am allowed to dismiss it then.
They could have at least paired Matt Damon with his movie star good looks with an attractive woman with a pleasant personality for the second part.
This movie was mainly intended for the arthouse circuit. Based on its modest budget, it is a smashing success. And it has grown in popularity years after it was released.
Back in the day, soap operas were low budget affairs where the vast majority of scenes were recorded in a single take and actors were expected to struggle through instances when they flubbed their lines or made mistakes.
If an actor was too ill to perform, it was not uncommon to have a stand-in play the part for that episode (ie: "in today's pisode, the role of _______ will be played by _______ while ______ is recovering from illness"). And yea, having Christina's mother, THE JOAN CRAWFORD standing in for her daughter while she was sick was a bit of a stunt and a way to promote the show.
This is pretty much it. I used to peruse IMDB for all of the comments and discussions and they took that away for BS reasons. I only use it now as a tool to keep track of which movies that I have watched (I have a huge "to watch" list).
Basically, giving people the power to discuss other TV shows and movies is something that their big corporates don't want people to have. IMDB used to be independent and it sold out many years ago.
Indiana Jones was born in 1899, which would make him 58 years old in the movie (portrayed by a 66 year old Harrison Ford).
Rockefeller's grandson lived to be over 100. I remember seeing him on TV a few years ago and he was quite sharp mentally. He told all kinds of stories about his grandfather.
I'm bumping my thread because I think my idea would have been much better than what we got with the actual movie.
It took me quite a bit of suspension of disbelief to believe that a 70 year old Indiana Jones (who was portrayed by an 80 year old Harrison Ford) could go on another adventure.
I did like the de-aged Indy in 1944 that we got to see in the movie. The only issue I had with it is that they didn't also de-age Harrison Ford's voice--which caused a bit of an uncanny valley effect for me.
Do you want to hear an even dirtier joke?
Another white horse fell in the same mud!
Wanna hear a dirty joke?
A white horse fell in the mud.
Nightmare Castle (1965)
The Ghost (1963)
The Horrible Dr. Hichcock (1962)
I am about 2/3 of the way through the Dark Shadows series. I think I will start watching them again.
I liked the film and I liked the concepts that it explored regarding the price of success, but the slapping was not realistic. Such behavior would have been deemed a fireable offense as soon as word got out. I even found the loud screaming would take me out of the movie. That being said, I was more entertained than not.
I agree that a more subdued Fletcher would have made him a far more interesting villain. He already has the power to give prominent positions that his students are competing for.
At the other end of the spectrum, think of Nurse Ratchet in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" in terms of what a nuanced and effective villain/antagonist is like.
RIP funny lady. I think I’m going to continue watching my Three’s Company DVDs—I was in early season 4 the last time I watched an episode.
I tried to like IE but decided to give up after multiple viewings. I just found the tone and atmosphere to be far too dry.
Perhaps it’s because Angelo Badalamenti did not do the music for that movie. Music can make a huge difference in terms of making a movie great.