MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Discussion > It would be pretty cool if Indy 5 took p...

It would be pretty cool if Indy 5 took place in the year 1981 (the year when Raiders came out)

The character of Indiana Jones was born in 1899, so he would be close to Harrison Ford's actual age in my proposed timeline of the movie.

How could you make this movie work with an 80+ year old Indiana Jones? A simple solution would be to have the older Indy appear at the beginning and the end to bookend the movie. Perhaps he is giving a speech at a museum where he is being honored for his life's work and then there are foreign agents who threaten to kill him and the museum's curators for the macguffin that happens to be in the vicinity.

And just as Indy finds himself that he is about to die, his mind flashes back to the time when he was in an adventure to retrieve the macguffin in question. I think an appropriate time for this would be in World War II--which has never been depicted in the franchise. If Harrison Ford would allow it, he could have makeup and CGI to de-age him to make him look like he is in his 40s.

And once the flashback (which comprises the middle 80% of the movie) ends, the much older 1981 Indy finds a way to survive and save the day.


Horrible idea. Not to mention this entire franchise screams of white privilege


How about a reboot about a black archaeologist seeking evidence of the ancient black kings of Africa? "Alabama Washington" starring Idris Elba?

I do agree that bringing Indiana Jones to the 1980s is a bad idea.


The idea about a black archaeologist going back to Africa is a great idea. Maybe go seek out some lost relic from a village that went missing when the white man invaded Africa for slaves


You mean when white traders landed in Africa and were sold slaves by black tribal chieftains.


then they can use in the air tonight by phil collins on the soundtrack.


Not to mention Kim Carnes's "Bette Davis Eyes"!


I'm bumping my thread because I think my idea would have been much better than what we got with the actual movie.

It took me quite a bit of suspension of disbelief to believe that a 70 year old Indiana Jones (who was portrayed by an 80 year old Harrison Ford) could go on another adventure.

I did like the de-aged Indy in 1944 that we got to see in the movie. The only issue I had with it is that they didn't also de-age Harrison Ford's voice--which caused a bit of an uncanny valley effect for me.


The de-aged Indy in 1944 was pretty good.
