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ribtin's Replies
I wish this platform had a like button.
As far as I can recall, I think he does not remember his childhood, and that this is also a major foreshadowing/hint in the story that he is not who he says he is.
And when he was abducted, they got him properly drunk and also drugged him, so he would not remember that either. However, there are short glimpses in the movie of a soldier standing in a crowd, and then turning around to face the camera... These are flashbacks to the time when Favorite first approached Angel, right before getting him drunk.
Favorite's intention with eating the heart was to steal Angel's soul, so as to fool the devil. And it did work for a good while, as it's taken the devil 15 years to track him down.
And yes, he does have two souls in his body, which starts to conflict a little with memories he can't explain and such. Even more so in the sequel.
But even though Favorite steals Angel's soul, he does not steal his identity. So he does not go about living the life that Angel used to, but sets off on his own path. The real Angel would officially be mysteriously disappared, so there would be no friends or family to recognize the new Angel, unless they would bump into his credentials by chance. But even then, they would just think he is another totally unrelated person who just happens to have the same name as the guy who disappared.
More pressing however, are the people who used to know Favorite (after all, he used to be a semi-famous person with lots of fans) and might be able to see that this Harry Angel person has rather similar looks to the rising star of yesteryear. But that's where the damage to his face during the war and subsequent botched recronstruction surgery comes in, which makes him unrecognizable to everyone. This is also made a bigger deal out of in the sequel.
BTW: The sequel also gives the devil another motive for hunting down Angel/Favorite, but ugh... it's really bad. I can spoil it for you if you're interested, to save you the trouble of reading it yourself.
I hope not.
No, Angel was not a detective. He was a soldier just home from the war when he was snatched by Favorite, drugged and tied up, before Favorite cut him up and ate his still beating heart.
Then, a little later when Favorite himself was sent off to war, he got shellshocked and forgot who he was. He was shipped back home and stuck in the mental asylum for a while, until Margaret Krusemark and her father came and got him out of there. The father paid the doctor to falsify the records so as to indicate that Angel was still there, and then they dropped the shellshocked guy off at the same place where Favorite had snatched Angel, as that would be the very last place he remembered before he was killed. And he just wandered off from there, lost in his own mind, until he somehow was taken in by this older detective and taught the ropes. Oh, and by the way, the name of the detective agency is "Crossroads". And the first time he meets Louis Cyphre, is at an address number 666. So the big reveal was never meant to be a surprise.
There are some more details in the sequel as well, but that book completely destroys the whole premise of the story and is a truly terrible read, so I highly advice against wasting your time on it.
uhmm... joke?
can't take him seriously, period.
That sounds like a typical Hollywood cop-out which would completely destroy the whole movie.
Finally some recognition!!!
I played the lead in Georges Méliès' Le voyage dans la lune.
Can we have a lesbian Hitler too?
Ever heard the term "Hiding in plain sight?"
It's supposed to be obvious! And even more so in the novel, where Angel first meets Louis Cyphre at the address 666, and Angel's detective bureau is called Crossroads.
The whole point is that Louis Cyphre goes so far in trying to appear like the devil, that it becomes a bit goofy. Which is why Angel won't believe he really is the devil, even when he decyphers it. (pun intended)
It's convoluted for sure, but a lot of the issues you point out are made clear in the novel. Like for example how Johnny Favorite used to be way into the occult long before he ate Angel's heart. How he grew to fame almost overnight, and still be very much into the occult. There's several mentions of how he would always have a human skull in his bag, while on tour. And how he came to be a detective by being taken in by an older detective who subsequently died and left Angel the business.
You missed the point about her character also being his daughter. So she had to be biracial.
If you cannot distinguish fiction from reality, then you are the one who's disturbing.
Ugh, can't stand that.
Thanks for the heads up.
However it would be just as tiresome for the guards to just sit there, asking me to please, please, please say the line, which I would simply ignore. It would quickly turn into an endurance game, and I know, that when provoked like that, my stubbornness knows no bounds.
Which scenes exactly did you find shocking?
Hehe, fair advice. Though easier said than done.
When you've already invested ten hours in a show, you kinda wanna see it through. And there's always the hope that the bad episode was just a fluke...