Catbookss's Replies

Very happy the site's back up!! I only registered yesterday and was looking forward to coming here this morning. I agree, this error page is reassuring :) Thank you, Jim, for all that you've done and still are doing. Much appreciated! I just took a look at OneMovieAvenue. Do they have forums, Wanton? If so, where? Yes, I knew PreviouslyTV is only about TV. I'd prefer a site about both, but having read the forums there for a few of my favorite shows, found the posters there appealing. I like that the show pages are already here too. One drawback to PreviouslyTV is you can't just start threads. Have to wait for a mod to create one and can only post in the mod-created threads. Very glad that's not the case here, or at TMDb. I'm doing the same thing, coming to this general board primarily, and starting out with a post or two or three on my favorite show boards. It is active on this board! Between suggestions and so many of us still feeling a need to vent and mourn our loss. So far this site ( is my favorite of the alternatives. I liked the posters -- in general -- at Previously TV, but dislike that only mods there can create new threads, so it feels too constricted to me, and IMO it discourages new and/or ongoing current discussions. Great! I just signed up tonight and thus far haven't had to sign in again. I've finally signed up today, and so far, have gotten all notifications. Thanks. This is an important feature for me. I hope you're right For myself, I'm using the same name as I used on IMDb, in the hope that those who knew me there will recognize me her, and vice versa. I agree that this site has the potential to outshine that of IMDb. From what I've seen, it has the most to offer. Personally, I never cared about the general boards that have been replicated here, but can certainly see a use for such boards as I Need to Know, etc. I'm glad these boards are here, even though I didn't personally use them myself. Ultimately my wish would be that all of us who've contributed to the various boards and connected, would continue to be able to do so, as we have done for many years. IMO, IMDb made it impossible, or next to, to be able to do this. I won't forget this anytime soon, if ever. Amazon/Bezos doesn't care? So be it. Live, and die, by the sword. Just a note of appreciation for all of the hard work you've done, Jim. As you no doubt know, the many members and contributors to the many IMDb boards have been left adrift and homeless, with less than two weeks to regroup. Why IMDb and Amazon considered this to be insignificant is beyond me, but obviously they did and still do. Communities are important. connections are important. They are the very fabric of our (human's) existence -- be that virtual or face to face. Face to face connections and communications have become unceasingly uncommon and less important in this digital age, unfortunately, for they are all the same very important. IMDb saw it fit to decimate the community that had been built for a decade and longer, with only two weeks' warning. I applaud you for realizing that communities -- virtual or not -- ARE important, and doing what you've been able to do (with a LOT of hard work) to retain and or maintain this. I am deeply grateful to you for this, and know I'm only one of many who feel this way. I agree, it's a great improvement over IMDb. Much as I still mourn the loss of the IMDb community, I look forward to the improvements in this community, and can only hope that those whose presence on many boards I miss will find their way here. Thanks for the info, Jim. I can't adequately express how thankful I am to you for stepping up to the plate here. I'll donate as I can, when I can, with gratitude. Thanks, Wanton. I haven't heard of OneMovieAvenue before, and will take a look. Funny how many have used the word "movie" when TV shows have become more or at least as important as movies these days. I too took a look at IMDB 2.0 and the GoT forums, and didn't find either to be a good fit for me. Yes, I like the simple platform, and the replication of the IMDb forums. I never really cared about the general boards -- only those to do with individual TV shows or films, but acknowledge that many others frequented those boards and they are, therefore, important to them. It's the same for me; thus far I've only recognized 2-3 people from the IMDb boards by their new screen names. I've used my old IMDb name, as I said I would when posting my goodbyes. I don't know how many I've known have registered under different names, so I'd have no way to recognize them, which to me is a shame, but is their choice. I hate this scattering to the winds of a community. I too like this simple format -- even more so now that there is nesting of posts. It's clean, simple, and elegant. I only learned about this site at the very end of the demise of the IMDb boards. I'm thankful to the one or two people who PMed me with this URL. Wish I'd had time to thank them personally, but IMDb/Amazon didn't allow it. I look forward to your posts/threads after you've finished your rewatch :) Mad Men is the richest, most detailed and nuanced show I've yet to have seen, and there's no way all of this can be caught by just one (or two, or even three) viewings of each episode. Not even by the brightest and most observant of viewers. There's simply too much to it that isn't obvious at first (or second, or third, or even fourth). This is why it's beyond any question my favorite show. Even having watched it from the beginning, multiple times, and being an observant viewer, there are SO many subtleties I missed and only caught after many viewings. I'm sure even now, having seen it as many times as I have, there are still things I missed. I LOVE this about this show! BwbPhile, I agree it'll be fun to see MovieChat grow. I just hope the regular posters I knew and will miss from the MM board (and others) will find themselves here, because I truly will miss them if they don't. I haven't bought any of the MM sets because all I care about is seeing the show, which I've already downloaded to my drive. I don't want anything to do with Amazon anymore and will find alternatives (easy enough to do). But thanks. I agree, the vast majority I've seen posting here have been very nice and welcoming. Very refreshing, and it makes me want to stay here. It's why I decided to register. Hey Bailey, No idea if you'll be aware of my reply to you or not, and think probably not, which is a shame, but oh well. After spending a week or so feeling homeless and adrift, I finally found my way here. The problem with PreviouslyTV, which is where I thought I'd find my home, is more often than not there's nothing all all posted in most of the boards I'm interested in, nor are posters able to start new threads -- only the monitors are able to do that. This is a turnoff to me. None of the other forums I've seen are appealing to me, except this one. I wish I were able to contact posters from the Mad Men and other boards I frequented, but IMDb ensured that was impossible, thanks to them decimated the boards and PMs earlier than promised. I've watched it so many times now over the years, most likely all that's left for me now is to watch Season 7 again, even though I've already seen it 3 or more times. It's such an amazingly dense, content-rich show, it's impossible to get it all in one -- or even two, or more -- viewings. This is why it forever changed my viewing habits, although certainly most shows (or films) don't warrant such close attention. Bwt, not to worry. I have all episodes copied to my hard drive, and will not purchase anything, particularly from Amazon, after what they've pulled on their (formerly) loyal customers. I have zero loyalty now, and a great deal of animus towards both IMDb and Amazon. Used to be an Amazon customer, but will be no longer. Money = mouth. … Still hope to hear from other former IMDb Mad Men boardies, or those who were lurkers, or any combination thereof. Thanks to those of you who've already responded :) So far, no, but I've only registered a few hours ago, and lurked for a couple of days now. I have no problem donating if this is truly what I want as an IMDb replacement. So far, it looks to me like that's exactly what it is. While I can understand people complaining about the lack of threads and posts on some boards, I also understand that Jim was only able to scrape a certain amount of posts/threads from IMDb, and particularly those on the most popular boards/films/shows. I would dearly love to have access to the last PMs I had within the final 48 hours, which IMDb promised, but WITHOUT NOTICE FAILED TO DELIVER, regardless of knowing how much that last contact between other users meant to one another. I'll never forget this extreme lack of respect, and it will without question impact my purchasing from Amazon as well as any visitation to IMDb. Why would I do otherwise? Agreed, there are many people who've uploaded shows/films to torrents who don't own the rights, and are therefore doing it illegally. I don't care about comments posted to boards on IMDb (or anywhere else). I don't care if Jim scraped and is using any of my own posts/threads about ANYTHING I wrote on IMDb. He has my permission to do so, and I say this formally and legally. I have no argument whatsoever with Jim, or anyone else as far as I know. Nice to see you, MissMargo, and BwbPhile :) I don't recognize either of your names, but I suppose that doesn't matter; we have a bond in our mutual appreciation of MM. Miss Margo, I've watched the series innumerable times now, each time gaining more insight and understanding than I had before. It's an amazingly deep, content-rich show. More than any other I've ever seen. It changed the way I watched TV (and film, for that matter), forever. Too bad most TV shows, and films, don't warrant such close watching. Definitely it's because people here have been so welcoming :). I haven't seen you before either, but I thank you for the welcome. We were all suddenly left "homeless," and it's very nice to be welcomed.