MovieChat Forums > Catbookss > Replies
Catbookss's Replies
The Black Stallion was also very beautiful. All of it up until they came back to the US. There's an underwater sequence that only shows the horse's legs, "dancing" to a beautiful piece of music. Gorgeous.
The Emerald Forest
If anyone else had posted this I'd think My Life as a Zucchini was a ringer.
It was Memorial Day weekend, and the first holiday since the restrictions have been loosened, which only happened last week. That's why.
That does not equal Americans having given up on social distancing.
Weird because apparently it was working earlier since Allaby, Tcrum, and Mrmojo saw it.
I agree.
Yes, things have gone too far, to the point where it feels like it's contrived, having a strong female protagonist ("Not that there's anything wrong with that") or whatever other type of character or theme has become currently popular.
I'm so sick of hearing the word "woke," along with "incel" and a number of other popular put-down words.
I didn't see Men in Black International because I loved Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones so much in the first ones. How would you rate it, 1-10?
Doesn't matter whether people are looking for and complaining about right or left agendas. Same thing, different perspective.
Too many people looking for things to be upset about.
Fair enough. That's not the same thing as being a sock of a poster here, or former poster. Whatever.
"Feature Film, User Rating at least 8, Rating Count of 1,000,000 (Sorted by Popularity Ascending)
No results."
Why do you think that? The OP, definitely a sock, but I don't get that vibe from Forky.
You get points for honesty, but my good man, Taylor Swift?!
Hear, hear! Sure, there are some that are and always have been, but I'm sick of people examining every movie for political messages.
Sometimes a movie's just a movie.
The Fall is exquisitely beautiful.
The Enchanted April.
While I'm not a fan overall of Citizen Kane, it is beautiful.
It really does. Maybe everyone else knows about it but it was news to me, and makes cooking corn on the cob (or, as ODB82 points out, corn) so much easier and better.
Ha ha, excellent point! Lots of fruit have pits, but we don't say peach on the pit.
😂 Maybe she was cutting off each kernel individually.
I remember Ron Popeil, but not the Dial-O-Matic or Maddy Press (was that a real name?). First one I remember was the chopper thingy. Chop-O-Matic? It slices, it dices! I think that's the one.
I should! Except there are already a bunch of them and that's where I found this tip 😀
Not to worry about the poor 2-3 removed rows, I ate them. Just not with butter and S&P on them.
You mean all the movies rating 8 on IMDb? Good luck to you.
No comment on corn on the cob, eh? Oh well.
I'd be happy to but I haven't seen Django Unchained. Come on, microwave some corn on the cob and watch Sleepless in Seattle with me. We can braid one another's hair afterwards. Or during.