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gbu's Replies

He always reminds me of Quagmire in Family Guy with his bloated cheeks and chin! Thats true could of been just his suit, ill have to check to see if you could see his body or not. "Never go full retard!" Ah right i forgot about the nanotech gauntlet, cheers for that! <blockquote>On a side note..Why did I think Angela Lansbury died like 15 years ago?</blockquote> Yeah i have that with a lot of older celebs i think they passed years ago only to see them pop up in something recent! Angela though sadly passed only a few months ago so im guessing this was her last screen presence? Felt sorry for her really as she didn't land one decent punch on Joy and Joy more then deserved to be hit at least once! Ok gonna throw a curve ball here and say Patty!! Now i know on the face looks department shes rough as old boots but did you see the drag race episode where she was the flag girl?! She has an absolutely amazing body and so must be described as a BOBFOC---(Body Off Baywatch Face Off Crimewatch) but she had all the right curves, perfect shape legs, waist and bust, reminded me of Jamie Lee Curtis Been years since i watched this but wasn't Suzie (Sandra Faison) his wife? Yes its possible, Mr. Bean did it! I heard it was GOTs Brienne of Tarth (now Principal Weems) that kept Jaime Lannisters severed hand and gifted it to the Addams Family who brought it back to life becoming Thing! Thought it was Lady Gaga for a moment then!! Yes that was a bit frustrating how some people get bitten and turn almost immediately and others can survive days! Also i think she should of died when she was pulled off the wall and under the dead, made no sense how she could fight off so many that was on top of here and climb up after with just one small bite. It was kind of repeating the Glenn moment where he fell off the trash can into the dead and somehow pulled another body on him for cover in an earlier season. It was a real flea pit of an apartment tbf and maybe its like any addiction, if you need something that badly you will do or sacrifice anything for it, he could go out and rob or deal drugs just enough to get him his daily high of VR and they could start you off on small subscription so the cost of seems manageable at first then loan your hours back to you at a higher interest rate like a loanshark company perhaps, once they've got you its hard to leave and cos your loving the alternate life you don't wanna give it up anyway. I think it was explained that when all the men "go to work" they are actually waking up in there real life beds then doing a normal job to earn money in which to pay for them to stay connected to the VR simulation. I'm guessing costing also played a part in it, i know setting up VR and the advanced programs wouldn't of been easy and cheap to do but building an entire village shut off from everywhere so no one could stumble across it and to have running water, electricity and food etc would of been far more problematic then having them lay in there beds and use the VR as they did. Yes i really enjoyed it, i did start to wonder where it was heading when he goes to the guru retreat getting all spiritual but it made sense as the film went along. Yes i did think they would have better security, although they manage to obtain the security gate number im surprised that they got into the actual house so easily. I also thought why didn't they call the police but i guess the house being out in the middle of nowhere would of taken an age for them to get there. Although i did think this when watching it didn't detract from what was a surprisingly good film! Thats crazy, i waited until i finished the series to look this up, he was incredible i would of 100% laid money on him having that! Im so glad i didn't see this trailer before i watched the movie, it gives away far too much so i was happy to go into watching this film knowing the bare minimum about it! Cos this films don't progress if you don't do something dumb like that!