MC_Force23's Replies

"But I am still thrilled that he sent the pantsuited liar packing." Trump is telling lies almost every single time he opens his mouth. I´ve seen the movie twice in the theater. I really enjoyed it, better than The Force Awakens actually. My ranking: 1.) The Empire Strikes Back 2.) Star Wars 3.) Return of the Jedi/Rogue One 5.) The Force Awakens . . . 5.) The Phantom Menace/Revenge Of The Sith . . . 7.) Attack Of The Clones I bought the "Force Awakens" Blu-Ray when it came out in April 2016. 6 months later they released an edition with audio commentary and additional extras. I won´t buy the "Rogue One" Blu-ray straight away. I´m fed up with their bullshit realase politics. I´ll watch it online till they release a proper edition and only then buy it. To all you conspiracy theorist nutcases: Get your facts straight ! The two accountants have copies of all the winner envelopes. There´s nothing strange about two envelopes per win @ the ceremony. One of the accountants just handed out the wrong envelope. There is no conspiracy. PS Moonlight is a better movie than La La Land Best Twist Ending EVER !!! and a happy one as well :) Moonlight, Jackie & Lion soundtracks are all better than La La Land´s the guy thanks his deceased wife and he gets almost dragged off stage. So much for tolerance and empathy Hollywood ... well deserved and the man´s obiously a class act. great speech I should turn this off immediately. Couldn´t start more cheesy. Fuck Timberlake RIP I just recently listened to the "WTF podcast with Marc Maron" episode Way too soon Best Picture Nominees Have seen all except "Fences" First of all I think that none of the best picture nominess fall into the "high rewatchability" category Arrival - 7/10 - great atmosphere & direction - I didn´t like the moral choices of Louise ... - ... they are thought provoking though - in a nutshell: style over substance Hacksaw Ridge - 7/10 - impressive battle scenes - even liked the 1st half of the movie lots of people were bitching about - don´t get all the praise for Garfield´s performance though - sometimes a bit too preachy although the Christian angle of the movie could have been handled far worse - ending was great Hell or High Water - 8/10 - just a well made movie all around - stellar performances of everyone involved, especially Chris Pine took me by surprise Hidden Figures - 6/10 - too much of a typical Hollywood movie - many historical inaccuracies for the sake of dramatic effect - except for a few scenes Henson´s performance was pretty average - use of contemporary music took me out of the movie - I´m thankful that I got introduced to the story behind the movie though La La Land - 6/10 - first of all I have to admit that I´m biased when it comes to Musicals because I generally dislike them (except for "Blues Brothers" - if that counts) - Damien Chazelle would deserve Best Director Award, direction certainly is the best thing about the movie - music is average at best - hated the first two songs - "City of Stars" is lackluster & overused - John Legend songs also nothing to write home about - Best scene in the movie for me is hands down the Pool Party sequence with the cover band - I generally liked the non-musical/dialogue scenes - again: I respect all the talent involved, this is a well crafted movie but story-wise & dramatically it´s nothing special Lion - 7.5/10 - very good soundtrack - It took me 10-15 minutes to get into the movie but then I was invested till the very end - generally good acting performances ... - ... Dev Patel was hit and miss though - didn´t deserve the Best Supporting Actor nod for sure - very moving, especially towards the end Moonlight - 7.5/10 - beautiful direction - despite the content just a beautiful movie to look at - again, great acting - I hope that Maherrshala Ali gets the Oscar - would have been great if he´d had more scenes - Naomie Harris would be a deserved winner as well - first two thirds are near perfect - last third is pretty weak compared to the other two Manchester by the Sea - 8/10 - loved the realism - solid to even great acting from the majority of the cast - although the story doesn´t leave much room for comedy the movie made me smile from time to time Other movies that are nominated in other categories: Florence Foster Jenkins 7.5/10 - great performances by Streep & Grant - singing scenes hard to watch (but somehow that´s a positive I guess) - beautiful art direction - didn´t except that it will be that impressive - fine balance between comedy and drama Nocturnal Animals 7.5/10 - Opening Credits scene: WTF ?!? that was uncalled for, at least to that extent - Michael Shannon kicks ass - Due to the content it borders on unwatchable but for me it still was impossible not to get involved - Dense Atmosphere - I hate Jump Scares but the one in this movie was kinda forgivable and pulled off nicely O.J. Made in America - 8/10 - very detailed 5 part documentary on racial conflicts in the US, O.J.´s career, the crime, trial and the time after - a bit too lenghty though - 8 hours was too excessive Star Wars Rogue One - 7.5/10 - pleasant surprise, liked it more than Episode VII - definately better than any of the Prequels (that´s not hard to achieve though) - The Two main characters are a bit bland, really liked the rest of the team - it´s a fitting prelude to the original Star Wars - great effects - was impressed with a certain human CGI character (still uncanny valley but they did a good job) Toni Erdmann 7.5/10 - what a fucking weird movie :) - hard to watch since you feel embarrassed for the characters pretty much all the way through - the main characters appearance and odd behaviour (teeth anyone ?) got on my nerves ... - ... although it is pivotal for his character - This movie didn´t need to be 160 mins long - you easily could trim 20 mins of fat - despite that it´s a mesmerizing movie and kept me thinking about it´s themes