TexasJack's Replies

I highly recommend Algolia for enhancing the search function. I am 100% sure you are understating the lack of understanding. I thought she was funny and I liked that she had a more significant role than Isla did n the first one. Hope both are in nysm3. Congrats on that. I only smoked for a year and it was tough to quit. Cannot imagine how tough it would be after 38 years. True, they are all awesome. But I literally get chills at times listening to Kelly. Now you got me thinking of a KCK supergroup...a Destinys Child of Idol winners. Somebody get their agents on the phone! It's a cool name, no reason for regrets. If you need an alter ego, "ShamelessMinx" has a nice ring to it...and then you could use "StuckUpHoeBag" strictly for shitposting 😀 The 80s were great but I sure dont miss cassettes... Wouldnt it be a hoot if it turned out to be the same dude? Well said. If YouTube is ever dumb enough to disable commenting for all its videos, I think you would see a different result for the clones. Like the poster above said, the trolls make it feel like home :) Now all we need is the "EndAsianRacismNow" guy to show up and hit every thread with his complaint about the underrepresentation of Asian actors in the film biz. Lol so true... Is waterskiing allowed on the Lake of Fire? This sounds like the right answer. Jim is appreciated. Thanks dude! I first heard the name watching "Tombstone" and just liked it. When I looked him up on Wikipedia, I read this nugget: "When asked about why he was called Texas Jack, he replied 'Because I'm from Virginia.'" So he rolled with Wyatt Earp AND was a huge wiseass? Sounds like my kind of dude. Did not have this name on IMDb where I mainly lurked. So, OP, what's the story behind "babestation"? KC is awesome. Virtue: signaled. Ya it seemed super contrived that he was so willing to walk away that easily. I'm an American and never noticed his accent, so it must have been pretty good. Either that or I have no ear for these things.