tonyismad's Replies

Thanks! YES! That was great. She water-quenched a steel door that was red hot and it didn't crack. Of course, it's a glass door now... Sure sounds like it. Thanks. What in the world...? That made no sense. LOL That was it, when Tillman said he was gonna bury Dot with the first wife. That made me think about why the first wife wasn't in the parking lot of the diner or in the hospital. LOL Yeah, don't do that. As best as I can remember: USA movie. Theatrical. Mid-, late- 80s. Maybe early 90s. I want to say it had a vibe kinda like My Girl, but I could be wrong. Thanks. That's not it. The kids I mean, all they did really was touch tongue-tip to tongue-tip. Not an actual kiss. LOL No, not that one. Funny, though. They were little kids. 11 or so. Yes, USA movie. Not 100% sure, but I think the girl had dark hair. Maybe? Thanks. No, that's not the one in thinking of. I thought it might have been My Girl, but that's not it either. I can see that. I guess it would have been a happier ending. Even if he doesn't get the credit, or if he does but he chalks it up to "I got lucky" and walks away. Yes! Thanks! I liked the character. So hot. She still looks good. YES!!! Probably. Yeah they look kinda old for prom but that's how they are described in the credits in IMDB. And, no, they are not necessarily going to attack, but why take the chance. The train is empty. Go to the end of the car. Go to another car! That's exactly what it was. Any other day, if the Warriors hadn't been fighting for their lives, things would have been different. I would have the groups meet and eyeball each other at the platform, then when the Warriors got in the train the other kids get on a different car. In the intro, at one point he says the controls aren't responding, so, some kind of malfunction? That was it. Thanks again.