Wman1996's Replies

I wish it could've gone on longer. Spider-Man 4: The Lizard -Since Peter and Mary Jane's moment was ambiguous at the end, we can say they're not together anymore. Spider-Man 5: Vulture -Peter goes out with Betty -Things get complicated when Jameson finds out Peter is Spider-Man Spider-Man 6: Carnage -Significant time jump after the 5, with Peter around 40 years old -Peter dies at the end I watched the 2.1 version for the first time last night. It was the first time I had seen this film in probably about 8 or 9 years. Seeing it again cemented it as one of my all-time favorite movies. This seems like a film that critics gushed over (a lot of them giving 3.5 and 4 stars out of 4), but audience members in recent years don't hold it as kindly. I'm not expecting the film to be on the Top 250 or anything, but I do think it deserves at least a 7.6 user rating or higher. It's pretty nuts that the first film has the same score, and I think Spider-Man 2 improved upon it in just about every way imaginable. I can't do it, not regularly. I need a 1080p screen, preferably 38 in. or more. Physical media still offers more consistent video quality, which is why I will eventually get an Ultra HD Blu-ray player once I get my first 4K TV. I don't think a fellow Republican could steal the nomination from him, but who knows (I would take John Kasich over Donald Trump any day). As for Democrats or other parties, I say that Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, or Tulsi Gabbard could contend with or outright beat him. I say Saul is good for at least one more season. Mr. Gilligan and co. need to have a serious discussion of where to end the series so it doesn't have a premature ending. I would be fine with only 10 more episodes, as long as there is a conclusion. Rogue One. Sure some of the main team weren't as developed as I would like them to be, but I felt more invested. I suppose I am much more willing to accept similar elements in a film when they are done tonally different and take place closer to the film they are paying homage to. TFA takes place 34 years after ANH, I wanted some more original enemies and ideas. No, streaming and on demand have killed off most rental stores. DVD may not require rewinding, but it's still a piece of physical media that you have to return to the store. The only thing that is keeping certain stores alive (like Family Video) is that they get films before Netflix and Redbox. Physical media is dying a slow death, but it will eventually fade into obscurity. It is. For the longest time I thought he said "Kitty". He's using hate and anger, but he's channeling it through terrifying calmness. Vader has been a Sith for 19 years, he has learned what works for him.