MovieChat Forums > The LA Baker > Replies
The LA Baker's Replies
Pot meet kettle.
So, you are daft.
Too stupid to know it.
People who read headlines and believe them should not be able to vote(among many, many other demographics). Voting shouldn't even be a right. It should be earned.
I am not a Trump supporter. I didn't vote for him. I am ecstatic that Commiela lost, though. The last thing America needs is more communist policies.
I would prefer they make good on their threats to renounce their citizenship and leave the country.
America devoid of woke imbeciles would be a huge improvement.
Sending them all to communist countries and/or the middle east would be extra satisfying.
You mean the trumped up charges, lies, and fairy tales the MSM and political bots spew constantly?
Trump has made some awful choices and decisions, but you and your ilk never talk about reality. You are far too busy constructing your bullshit narrative to be bothered with facts, data, and truth.
The MSM is so dishonest even the truth becomes suspect when placed in that polluted vehicle.
There was a time when it was illegal for the media to knowingly lie, but that ended in 2013. Thanks, Obama...
What is a woman?
You cannot use the word woman in your definition.
I never used the word "equality" in my post. Thanks for helping to prove my point for me.
"Equity", which means equal outcome, is as communist as policy can get. It is the entire foundation of communism. Everyone ends up the same, which always means everyone is equally poor, miserable, and hungry.
Equal opportunity is what America should be about.
Price controls on grocers is also a ubiquitous policy in communist countries and always ends with mass starvation.
Dumb fucks like Commiela and you think the grocers(and every other corporation) are price gouging to make "record profits". You cannot seem to grasp the concept of inflation. The dollar has lost significant value. Thus, it takes more dollars to make the same(or less) profit. Grocers typically average about 2% profit margins. They have been at about 1.6% the past few years.
There is no gouging.
There is only government overspending which causes inflation which causes the dollar to lose value.
People like you should not be allowed to vote. I truly mean that.
Uninformed, inane, welfare dependent citizens with no skin in the game are the real threat to our country.
They get $0.05 per word in every shill post. Takes a lot of nickels to support yourself, especially in Commiela's economy.
C.R.E.A.M. get the money. Dolla dolla bills yall.
What did Trump do to become a felon?
Can you tell me, in layman's terms, what he did that was worthy of prosecution and upgrading to felony?
Grifter? Again, please explain.
He has done some shady business deals, but that hardly makes him a confidence artist.
The EV mandate will disolve.
It is literally impossible for a litany of reasons. One of the biggest is the amount on mined resources it will require. That one problem alone is insurmountable. We have nowhere near enough mines and it takes decades to start a new mine. It amazes me just how full of shit salesmen, politicians, and activists are. I knew they were shady liars, but this is a mind bending level of bullshit that will have abhorrent effects on society and the environment.
There is a special place in hell for the demonic frauds.
The EV mandate can will be kicked down the road until the SHTF. Whoever is unlucky enough to be in office then will get to deal with the mess.
The following video breaks down a lot of the issues very well.
"Electric Vehicles: Arthur Berman, Pedro Prieto, & Simon Michaux | Reality Roundtable #1"
The Bull-Moose mantra.
Bring back real progressives such as Teddy.
Miyagi is right.
The best part of Trump winning is seeing you unhinged dullards lose your collective shit and double down on the lies about Trump.
He already won.
He cannot get reelected again.
Let it go. Stop with the BS already.
You should be rooting for him to do a good job since, you know, you live in the US. And by all means, call out any actual wrongdoings on his part. That is part of being an American.
The lies and childish temper tantrums are pathetic, counterproductive, and sophomoric.
I haven't approved of any president in my lifetime, but I still want them to do well in office.
Completely daffy contemptuous finks, the lot of ya!
WTF are you on about?
Did you read beyond the headline?
I suspect you did not.
It says nothing about Trump distancing himself from RFK. All it says is the Trump team is "questioning whether Mr Kennedy could get confirmed for a cabinet-level position by the Senate, obtain security clearance, or even want to go through those processes."
Are you daft, or just a deceitful POS?
End every bit of welfare for illegals.
Deport every single one we can identify and arrest.
I'd be happy with that.
Every illegal being deported is ideal, but unlikely. Just because something is unlikely or even impossible is not a reason to give up on it.
Strive for perfection, settle for excellence.
Celebrities can say whatever they want.
I do not understand why anyone cares what they have to say, though.
I am all for the Heinlein approach. Service guarantees citizenship(right to vote).
Also, if you are unable to get an ID you should NOT, under any circumstance be allowed to vote. Anyone unable to get ID is literally retarded or committing identity fraud, absent some very rare extenuating circumstances that I am struggling to come up with an example of.
America said no to communism and yes to MAGA!
Go to reddit. It is a shit storm of hypocrisy, blatant hateful racism, and doubling down on lies about Trump.
They actually think he is going to repeal the 19th. I would be all for it, but it is not going to happen and Trump never even hinted at it.
They think he is going to ban abortion nationwide and deport every immigrant. Some of them are calling for all the arabs and hispanics to be deported because they voted Trump. The mask fell off. The real intolerant racists are showing their true colors.
At the same time, they are still banning people for innocent posts such as, "Go Trump! MAGA!"
Fear mongering and vitriolic racism/hate is perfectly fine as long as it is against Trump supporters, but innocently supporting Trump is unacceptable.
They are so completely unhinged. It is a sight to behold.
The more MSM people consume the more falsities they believe about EVERYTHING, not just Trump, but especially Trump.
Trump is always lying, unless he says something you can misrepresent and/or take out of context to make him look bad. Then he is telling the truth.
You people are so fucking pathetic.
Democracy sucks.
There is a good reason we are a constitutional republic. The founding fathers were aware that democracy is garbage and nothing but the tyranny of the majority.
The popular vote doesn't matter because it shouldn't matter.