MovieChat Forums > cathal

cathal (23)


Cease and Desist View all posts >


A website costs about a hundred dollars a year to host on shared hosting plus 10 dollars a year for the domain name Can even do it cheaper if you have a VPS in which case its about a hundred dollars a year for all the domains together. So you've basically copied AdSense's rules for where ads can be shown and they are now your rules LMAO Gravity is the weakest fundamental force, mass is what makes it stronger Anway blow your mind away with this It's weird that gravity is one of the weakest forces in nature and yet we still haven't overcome it (which would making flying cars possible)! He is responsible for Rush Hour the series - enough said! Here ya go Because when its easy to scrape someone else's site for all the data (without doing the work yourself) then add it to your own site then why not - hey Jim doesn't care about screwing other people to placate the congregation - all hail Jim, btw how is the Netflix lawsuit going? When exactly is the second coming or has it already arrived? Reality is what you make it and no one can prove you exist or that anything exists - everything you see is made up of stuff that happens only in your brain and is different for everyone The point is ignorance is not an excuse from someone claiming to have been a copyright lawyer ...or maybe, as more likely, he is just a chancer with delusion of grandeur Yes thank you, some unnamed person working for some unnamed company produced a $50k advert for 20 dollars and I never suspected anything wrong with it Thank god he can proclaim ignorance Well now his advertising budget is busted Me personally I would never check a company out before paying them a single cent but I'm not Jim the lawyer with years of copyright law behind him, oops View all replies >