MovieChat Forums > Drusilla > Replies
Drusilla's Replies
I cannot believe ITonya brought that much in. OT side fact; I worked with Nancy Kerrigan this year. I never saw I,Tonya.
I know a few Nuns and they never mentioned this. I will have to ask them.
Wow so clever. You know what this means right?
Listen, Jane is gorgeous but Lindsay looks amazing. If you can't see it...
It was definitely apres po. They really couldn't get away with much else.
I love both so no idea what this person is talking about.
Why do we even care about awards? Just like what you like.
Women's boobs as sexual aids. Weird.
Love the Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby and also love this.
My sister made over 100K so yes, I wish I too became a teacher. Instead I make minimum wage working in Theatre. I do it for the love of it obviously.
Rose Byrne IS ridiculously gorgeous. What does this even mean. Good Lord.
He was so good. I kept forgetting it was him.
I like it.
And wasn't she correct? I mean seriously. They literally told her it was a business deal and they didn't need more "family". Then....
Life Also Boring. Me want out. Me look forward to the Spiritual Realm.
I cannot believe this site has been up for 16+ years. It seems like 2 years ago.
Being white myself I can't deny that most are evil.
The point is that it's a porn movie with necrophile undertones featuring unattractive people having sex. Every man's dream.