MovieChat Forums > Drusilla > Replies
Drusilla's Replies
Yes. That was the point where we were all now it's just too much. Funny though lol.
Ethan but I do understand why Peter was so angry with him. The guy ruined his life the first half of the movie. If he wasn't rushing home for his baby it might have not been as bad.
So in Asia are most of the actors in films white also?
I agree about the new dog. And yes all that can wait. Silliness.
I found there to be too much animal happenings going on. Other than that I enjoyed it.
Did you mean to say capisce?
I enjoyed it.
I have gone through many crappy horrors and I made it through to the end of this one. So that's something. Everything sucks lately.
She looked like a boy in Panic Room also and it didn't hurt her career. In fact it started it. I don't like short hair on girls either as my mother tortured us with pixies every now and then.
The Island was one of my favorites. I very well knew her because I saw Ghostworld etc. Odd though since she was around since 1998 and The Island wasn't until 2005. I will look into this Sofia Boutella.
I do see what you are saying. I don't know why I used acting as an example of fake. I agree. Especially since I work in Theatre. I took an acting class and it's damn hard.
It was really the make-up point I should have been making. We wear make up to look prettier or cover scars, etc. So basically I thought it was unfair of her to say people who enhance their lips are wrong. I haven't done it because my lips are fine. But honestly why do I care lol?
I have no idea who that is.
Shutty. You can't call people fake and then be fake yourself. Hypocrisy. Oddly enough I meant to reply to your post about her being a solid actress when I said I agree. (I don't even like JLaw all that much). I used to really like Scarlet J. until the lip comment. But I do still think she is fine other than that. I disagree about the penis hate. You can be in love with a man and still hate the penis in general.
Cool. I'll try it.
[quote] I LIKE intelligent funny [/quote]So Fraggle is pompous then. Well there is the reason why :)
I kind of like her. I am sick of the overuse of pop phrases like Handcrafted and Not So Much.
I agree she is a good actress though. I just don't like her haircut.
Where is your sense of humor dirtbunny?
And now we have the very boring Ashley Banfield show.