MovieChat Forums > god_of_war > Replies
god_of_war's Replies
ho look here is another marveltard who dare call other movies a flop lol stupid ugly marveltard thats what you are
they are not interesting. espicelly since that are no flashbacks to kun lun at all. most of the charecters of kun lun dont even exist. davos is mexican and not asian. they dont even showed any of their reletionship with each other in kun lun. there is no origin story at all at this show. this is exectly why this show sucks balls. both joy and ward are boring and their subplot is cringyh soap opera level.
the fighting in this show is a fucking joke. yes it is possible for a small girl like colleen to win if she's jumping on the guy's head and dont let go and punching him in this state many times. however. not heads on how they show her weak off balance fists berly touches them and then they go ''wwhhaaaa'' like its the motherfucking WWE. lol
no. its actually because of them that the show has nothing to offer. without them he would get actual flashbacks to kun lun like in the daredevil shows
just imagine batman begins being called ''bruce wayne begins'' instead. because this show has nothing with the iron fist. they dont even show you kun lun or any of the main charecters from the comics. this is show is like if bruce wayne returned to gothem and instead becoming batman he would just be boring bruce wayne. terrible show. i reccomend passing it. actually the arrow tv show is way way better. i mean the first season
the collen wing fight scenes are the most terrible. they are faker then the wwe.. there is litterly a scene when you see her feet kicking the floor not even touching the face.LOL. the cage fights were the most cringe. 2 bulldogs towring over her and her fragile fake weak fists bearly touch them and they go ''hwwwwaaa'' LOL. such a terrible show.
that what i said race wash and not white wash just because he isnt causcasian and dosent give him a ''free pass'' over white actors who replace asian charecter. that is a true SJW lunacy. the hatred of white people and the love for everything ethnic. he isnt asian period. hindu or not. davos is an asian. kun lun is tibetian not indian.
see for your self.
your assumption that every war movie need to be this heroic and patriotic style of a movie is wrong. just because this war isnt ''heroic'' enough dosent mean that its not interesting. and you retard i did watched korean war films such as brotherhood of war and the front line many times. im also not even american and watch movies with subtitles all the time you dumbass.
how is brainwashing kids to think being gay is cool trough movies and tv is part of ''free will'' you contradict yourself so much you dumbass. it isnt free will if they been brainwashed from childhood to love it you idiot.
a really touching story.... NOT
your brother dident lived in an era where gays consider cool and are everywhere in the media tv and movies for kids. because this era starts now. your brother may be a ''real'' gay. but those kids who gonna grow on the that sjw infested lunacy in the media gonna be programmed to think its cool and to mimick it. so your whole story about your brother isnt even relevant. and yes you are an sjw lunatic. you said in above post that gays are good and straights are bad and evil
off course straight is fine you moron. this is how your ass was born in the first place you retard. this is nature. fertility. gayness isnt normal you idiot. woman + man = child. man + man = nothing. is this too complicated for your ass to understand? now you sjw freaks gonna tell us that being straight isnt normal like gayness is?? you sjw freak idiot
''we''? you do realize that less then 1% of this population is actually gay. right? you are a minority of the minorities. you dont deserve anything
''become straight''???? you dont become straight. you are straight by default you idiot. that why its called straight. as in normal. you ugly sjw freak. you are the insane one
''discovering they are gay''? this is a movie for pre puberty kids you idiot. they dont discover nothing in that age. they are pure. and you sjw lunatics want them to see gay people as something that is acceptable and cool so they would turn gay themselves. nothing is good about it you freak
i dont care about them. anyone can do whatever he likes in his home. but to insert it into a kid's movie is something else. its dangerous and can brainwash the kids to think its cool. there is a difference if you are gay naturally or if you turned into one because youve been brainwashed by the media
they barely 1% of this world anyway so your theory is invalid