Byron_Orloff's Replies

Yes, the girls' clothes should have clued me in. And I think the only cars they showed were in brief intro shots to indicate the next scene was at Al's diner. I guess I was not into cars much as a kid, so did not connect them with the era. [quote]The Dukes of Hazzard[/quote] What is going on with that show? Is it practically banned from ever coming on TV again? Sad if it is, because it is about as racist as Sesame Street. Salvador (1983?) The Peanut Butter Solution (We went on a field trip to some theater to see that one.) There was also one about a quasi-fascist movement at a high school and the kids were wearing colored arm-bands to show membership in it. The message of the movement was unclear but the message of the movie seemed to be that joining anything that was unorthodox yet organized was a menace to society. WTF? The only thing that made it look like the 1950's was the Fonz's hair and clothes. Other than that, as a kid, I honestly thought it was a contemporary comedy. The hats are related to the infamous grab 'em by the pussy recording of Trump on the bus. The same bus that Billy Bush was later thrown under. No, but those noisy, boorish sports bars with their umpteen dozen mega-TV screens really need to go the way of the dinosaurs. Makin' pizzas at Al's diner, I guess. RIP "Joanie". PBR= Peanut Butter Rootbeer? Does sound yucky at that. Co-ed Fever (1979). Only aired one episode in the US and six in BC, Canada. Somehow it got dumped by the network because some people thought it was a ridiculous show. Geez, compared to the reality show crap of the 2010's it is probably Shakespearean. Aykroyd is unrecognizable on the DVD cover. Looks more like a psycho Brian Dennehy! He is definitely the main character who has stolen the thunder from son Bart over the years. I like Moe the bartender best! Oh, so maybe that's the reason for the title of the movie. When those two drop their pants they engage their "big combo"? A plain face will do that for you. People could only take so much of that SJW crap. It was reaching a hysteria level and then *POW*, the Trumpster poured water on their gaudy parade. The mindset of the left has become so virulently anti-male in recent years that I actually saw a documentary/public TV program segment wherein some woman PhD sociologist praised some other woman for leaving her family for a lesbian lover. WTF? If a man leaves his family, he is scumbag #1 but if a closet LGBT does it, it's "finding oneself!", "expressing diversity!" and other vomitous claptrap. I joined that one and a couple others. Which one will win out, who knows? Yep. everything gels well in this. Not many movies give one the creeps like this masterful Giallo. David Hemmings was so young looking in this. Now I gotta see it! Is Arch Hall Jr. in it? He was great in The Sadist (1963). I don't want to check IMDb because I'm still fuming over their decision to axe the message boards.