MovieChat Forums > Bobby Briggs Briganza > Replies
Bobby Briggs Briganza's Replies
Nobody watches The Walking Dead.
Like I said, no one is saying to use semicolon incorrectly. Using it CORRECTLY -- which will end up being in far fewer cases than other punctuation -- is not the same as avoiding it. "it's a good idea to avoid using semicolons altogether." is totally bullshit, written by someone who is not concerned with truth and accuracy, but rather concerned with saving low-level writers from messing up. It's like the grade school English teacher who tell their students "Don't use 'I' in an essay." Once the students get to higher level writing, they can understand how to use a personal voice and realize that there is actually no rule about using "I."
That's not even your opinion -- that's absolutely right. They don't even have to be used sparingly. It's just that the situation where you'd use it is much less common than a period or dash, not that (as the above poster says) you're supposed to "avoid" them.
Get off my jock, Poindexter.
Kim is anal retentive and Jimmy is anal expulsive.
Explains why Saul eventually turns to nail salon ladies.
Seriously though, break out the Chicago Manual of Style or something, Kim. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out if a sentence calls for a period, semi-colon, or dash.
+1 Much appreciated!
If I was Loki, I would have kept going at the end.
I saw it last night. I decided I wanted to go to the movies -- not a rare thing. So I looked up what movies were playing. A very common thing. I eliminated all of the obviously bad movies and those that were not my type, and decided on Logan. Watched it. Yay! :P
The weird thing is that I can remember Mrs. Ketterman's boobs but I couldn't remember why Lenny/Squiggy was mad at Saul.
I finally broke down and re-watched the last ep of the last season. Then re-watched the new one.
The Mike in the desert thing still wasn't clear tho, lol.
Whoop -de-doo. You watched a movie like a normal person.
I was wondering if anyone recognizes the mall where they shoot the Cinnabon scenes.
"for some reason reminded me"
Who said anything about putting something in an ass?
You sound like you're jealous of her sweet ass.
Yes, of course.
Hence Ben Kingsley playing Gandhi, lol.
lol. Nothing to do with sun exposure. They are totally different gene pools. You do understand that people in India, the far majority of the time, marry (and reproduce) within their own group? Dev Patel is a totally different group, visible in his features overall, not just his skin shade!
I didn’t think he was a “Brahmin guy,” but I agree in spirit: I thought the casting was a bit off. Especially when you see the real person the movie was based on. I guess they think the audience would just see everyone as “brown Indian”? Yet if you know Indian ethnic groups / classes, it looks like making the real guy Black and having the adult played by a White guy!
Do you live in Fargo or something?
i snuck in a McDonalds McDouble and small fries -- which I ate before my popcorn -- and it was all good. Sat in the last row, put my feet up. Saw some fighting giants and stuff. No worries for 2 hours.