MovieChat Forums > Bobby Briggs Briganza > Replies
Bobby Briggs Briganza's Replies
Lynch has an eye for babes.
I was talking on the Better Call Saul board about how that show, overall and relatively speaking, has one of the least attractive cast. Defensive people got butthurt and couldn't help spinning the old horseshit that shows with attractive people are bad or for dummies, and vice versa.
Yet, Lynch's shows are not meant for the basic masses at all, and nearly all the women are totally charming and attractive, and maybe a lot of the men, too.
So far I love the latte girl, and Jade (Duge's prostitute), and a few of the other betties floating around.
How are there already four episodes? Didn't it just begin to air last night? (I don't have a TV.)
So if one can sit there and binge 4 episodes in one night.... that's one more way this is not long experiencing the original.
So you watched the original series when it aired and now watched this one (Where? How?) and it was like it never went away?
I call bullshit. :)
So is "nobody" watching this... or is it just that nobody is chatting?
My Name is Nobody.
My shoulder is here for you to cry on, when the time comes.
We've been waiting all these years for your review. At last we have it! Time to revise the book on TP with your reaction, and notify the new media of this info.
She's hot, so she gets a pass.
^First truly relevant response!
No worries, your opinion is valid!
I'm not impressed by Kim, but the subjective differences of opinion in this aspect is actually relevant to this topic, so go for it.
Sounds intense.
It's that TALL forehead. It's powerful.
Some people only know how to do thumbs up (=10) and thumbs down (=1). Or, as they call it in the Indian cold drinks world, THUMS UP.
I misread the title this and I thought it said Bahuball. Like, Bahu-ball. Like, people kicking around a bahu. Admit it, that is pretty much one of the national Indian sports, passing around, kicking, and beating bahu-s.
dt123 didn't say that Odenkirk was very attractive and that Kim is very good looking, so I don't know what you're agreeing with. They said that they were "normal," and implies there was something unappealing about shows that have "all" (which I interpreted as "too many") attractive cast members, though without specifying whether this factor is independent from the actors' other qualities. So yeah, wonky British teeth have character and I love British teeth.
"Frankly, I'm sick of shows where everyone is young and fit and attractive."
Because the only two choices are BCS' fugly cast and a cast where everyone is young, fit, and attractive. And of course you'd choose the former. So honorable! So much integrity!
How many times do I have to say that rating BCS (which obviously we all enjoy and rate pretty highly) is not part of this, and there's no need to work this into some framework of value like where Americans' good teeth mean they are shallow idiots and Britons' crap teeth give them intelligence and character? Did I or anyone else complain about the casting? No. The observation is that if you compare the BCS cast AS A WHOLE to other shows -- even shows that both and I would likely rate very highly -- people would find it amongst the least attractive. "Normal" as many may be, that averages out to less attractive than the vast majority of other shows. Can you name a bunch of shows that have a more homely cast?
Yup, the "cookie cutter" straw-man.
I'm not talking about whether BCS is a good show or not, and there's no need to get defensive about one's crooked British teeth.
I'm proposing that BCS's cast as a whole is perhaps the least attractive (in colloquial language, "ugliest") of any show I can think of (and despite the fact that there are shows of great quality and integrity that do also have the occasional highly attractive cast member).
What I suggest might be interesting about this observation, if it is true, would be something more interesting than confirming the boring idea that, in the tv production and acting world, "talent" and quality tend to be inversely proportional to attractiveness and artifice.
Maybe BCS is just a show designed, by Gilligan et. al.'s vision, to exclude highly attractive people, or to include lots of elders, etc.
You're not actually reading what I'm writing, are you?
You've got this "good programs" narrative in mind and you're filling in gaps of not reading by imagining and assuming.
How is that the same person? Does losing weight give you totally different eyes? Weird!
That should be the topic? Umm...ok. Hey _Better Call Saul_ watchers! Name a great show where everyone in the cast is beautiful! lol
Yes, we get the idea that highly attractive people are less likely in life and therefore they make a show, in some eyes, more "fake." This is like when Britons are jealous of American teeth and try to convince them that their jacked up mouths "have more character." (just kidding)
The point is, if you watch Sopranos, [at least in the female department] you'll see some of the smokingest babes of all time. Ever girlfriend of Tony's was amazing. Not saying that's good or bad. I will say that they didn't make the show into a USA Network bimbo show.
Gilligan can still be gritty and real and throw us a bone now and then. Maybe it's just because no one in the show is under the age of 45 except Mike's granddaughter!
I respect that (see my second post, above). It doesn't negate my point, however.
Sure -- I'm not going to be an asshole and say Kim, Jimmy for some, etc. aren't attractive at all. They are more than 5/10, i.e. better than average. But I stand by the observation that the show lacks the [i]typically[/i] attractive type of person that is included in nearly every show, 8-10/10.