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Blackbeard's Replies
@Lycian You obviously don't have the capacity to comprehend the whole point of the movie... that we are not yet evolved enough to perceive all moments in time like the aliens do, and that was the "gift" (misinterpreted as "weapon" by the military) that the aliens gave the women; to experience all moments of her timeline at will. This isn't science fiction or fantasy, it is quantum reality that we have not been able to even comprehend yet. THAT was the whole point of the movie; that once we all comprehend it, then we can all also realize that it's ridiculous for all of our "nations" to be fighting each other when we are all the same race... the Human Race. ... but I'm sure these words will be wasted on someone like you, who so quickly dismissed the movie as "fantasy" just because you didn't get it.
posted 8 years ago in Arrival (2016)