TinaKimo's Replies

He was trying to get her to confess, by any means necessary. I just finished it tonight. Had never seen it before and I've watched a ton of Bronson movies over the years. Yes, he was good. I'm happy with the ending. A little easier to follow??? Which section did you and your friend not understand? This movie was great and Downey Jr. was high as a kite!!! So is the movie worth watching right now? Thank you. Don't know why folks are upset about their relationship. They have two kids now. Leave them alone. Totally agree. Just finished the movie. R.I.P. He was just getting his life back together. I can't believe it got a 3.4 rating. Should be much less. Are you gay for him? This isn't your first time mentioning him. B/c while she was swimming, they weren't thinking of her not being able to walk/have to sit in wheelchair. My favorite is when the lady spilled the gasoline in the boat and it blew them all up. R.I.P And they are lawyers. LOL That's dumb as hell to push it back further. I'm ready to watch it NOW!!! This will do less than part 1 b/c most folks would forget what happened!! LOL Thank you. The channel came back on with Henry Fonda shooting him. I wonder did he know he was still alive, b/c he carries his body to this woman. Well, you know what happened next. LOL. Seem to be a strange ending. I definitely need to watch entire film. and I'm going to watch it. Thanks. Don't tell me you are shocked that he is a moron?? Remember, this guy was on the cover of all NY tabloids until Bin Laden came along and put him on the cover of Time Magazine!!!! They are bringing TB into the country! Scary shit. Yep. I'm tired of politicians saying, NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!! Clearly, that is a damn lie!