Galactus03's Replies

It's better than the current superhero shit. 😏 Dude no one doubted that it would make money. But it was nerds like you that just had to see Jackman play (a lesser version) Wolverine again. It's the only reason you went. I unfortunately was dragged by a friend and he kept saying. It's not what you think. BS it wasn't. It was stupid and childish. I'm tired of this Green Acres type of Comedy in the MCU. I love Green Acres but it's brand of comedy doesnt belong here. Thankfully Hugh is done with this shit. It only made a billion because of hugh. That's it. Won't happen again. Y'all are drinking the Kool aid. Getting all hot and bothered because yet again another Multiverse version of a dead character is coming back. Tony Stark as Doctor Doom. 😂 The nerds that got excited about that stupid shit is hilarious. MCU SUCKS. it's become one big stupid comedy and this movie just sinks it further. Complete stupid film. Just because Deadpool fannerds are rating it high or went out to see it doesn't mean the general audience likes this silly shit. MCU ilhas a few nails left and thats it. 😂 Silly crap like this is why I stopped reading comics. With Thor Love and thunder, She Hulk and now this pile of steaming shit. ....The MCU is just about done. They have destroyed the Tone that was set with Iron man. I find it appealing and cute. I thought Steve Martin had a lot to do this season. He is using his brand of comedy where as Martin shorts is usually more manic. They have both not missed a step after all these years. Really enjoying the show Oh geez. 😏....I have ZERO credit card debt....😃👍 Yeah this film was very overated. my ex girlfriend and I used to have the barrier. She snored so loud and would sometimes swing her arms while she was dreaming... 😂 Right. I call people all kinds of names here. But what I don't do is troll about someone sick or near death. Pretty cold.. Dude you don't know much about the human body if you think just because you are healthy you can't die by 76. He was an asshole... Exactly. CGI.has been around since the early 90's. Over 30 years now and people are still bitching about it. Is it perfect??? No. But neither was practical effects. But they are way better than they were just 10 years ago. I have been around and grew up with practical effects but have moved on with the times. A shame that some of Gen x refuse to move on .. That would be the Return of the Jedi and the Ewoks... 😂 Well CGI is not going anywhere. We just have to accept that it's not going Back to 1977. For 2005 it was very well done IMO. My brother hates the lightsaber duel at the end and said it looked like a video game. He now loves it .. 😂....still my all time favorite light saber battle.... Well I didn't really mind the look of the prequels. I think they did a good job with the tech and decor..there was just more of it. I definitely did not expect OT type of story structure at the time so maybe that is why I liked them more. Abrams tried to do a new hope type of structure with rise of Skywalker and it fell flat. He tried to make Rey, Poe and Finn the new trio but it was just too late in the game for that .... I would hope so. But doubt it. I am finally finishing season three and it seems to me that they wasted a lot of time on Cooper being a moron then anything else. They crammed more in the first 18 episodes of the original series then what I'm seeing with season 3. I have 10 more episodes to go and Cooper is still walking around like a zombie. I did hear the ending was a disappointment for many. I think they originally thought they were going to get a second season. They have now said they are happy with the way things ended in season three so I highly doubt Lynch will do more. At least we got to revisit some characters again.... Haha. True. Though I didn't love TPM. I didn't hate it either. But yeah he continued the silly shit from ROTJ into TPM. He cut down on it for AOTC and ROTS was pretty dark all the way through. Well just like Jar Jar was the object of much hate in TPM. I HATED the Ewoks even more. They were stupid and silly. There was much laughter during the 1983 screening I went to. I was 12 and I wasn't laughing. I was smirking the whole time and thinking how stupid it was. 41 years later I still think it's an awful film. People say to me...yeah but what about the Death Star scenes and Darth And Luke fight???? I'm like What about them?? They don't save the film for me. Han solo was also turned into a complete Joke in the film. Don't get me wrong. I love a ANH and Empire. (I detest ROTJ) But ROTS is just epic to me. I know that's not a popular opinion.