Kia Willis's Replies

I agree with genplant23. And what's wrong with him not wanting to archive old posts? Why do we need them anyway, for memories? If he didn't want to do it than it's nothing wrong with that. How/why did he insulted him? Did you hear that from Jim himself or Travis, or thru the grapevine? It just doesn't make sense. Exactly. I wanna go on pages like Logan, Beauty and the Beast, etc etc and talk about them not just talk about random stuff to get them going. And yes I like this site but that's why I also have TMDB cuz they have that. Yes, the format is different but we gotta try it to get the hang of it. People praising about the old archives but why? It's not gonna bring IMDB back. Just start anew. I'm with ionian. Plus certain movie pages aren't active, but the other sites are starting to have some. Not complaining at all. Yea. It'll be so cool if they were to merge. They'll make BIG BANK! TMDB has boards they're just not called Messages Board, it's under 'Discussions'. It's uptop on the screen when you go to a movie page with other options aside you can't miss it and there's a little page that says Let's Chat of different discussions you can create. I really like both. I'd say use BOTH sites. We can blow both sites all together. Both have features that one another doesn't but at the same time they're beneficial. It be cool if they merged. Yea. I think we ALL just contribute to BOTH sites. Wouldn't hurt. Both offer features that one another doesn't have. That's I'm just gonna keep both. Some are here, some at TMDB, some at IMDB2... they're all over I deleted IMDB2 but I'm keeping this AND TMDB...