Mattc164's Replies

You wouldn't happen to be delivering candy to kids, would you? Catheter I wouldn't really compare it to The Shining. It was, however - in my opinion -, a good movie. Well here's to hoping you have many years left. 🍻 Fortunes have been amassed from a lesser starting point. Give me the 3 grand and I'll turn it into a nice comfortable amount in a few years time with some key investments. 📈 You can leave it to me if you want. I thought the same. The multiple payphone use and no cellphones. But the price of gas and cigarettes would lead me to say no. Weird jumbled timeline. They are the soundtrack only because the exist. If they didn't exist you'd be none the wiser and other songs would be the soundtrack. No father would. It's a shitty contrived movie. Considering its a true story and real people were injured/died it's pretty powerful already. Don't need Hollywood drama to incite feelings. To be fair, him taking the movie at face value for what it is is not merely his "opinion" It is a fact. What we see on screen is what was presented, written in ink. Those are facts. Diving deep into film and trying to find "deeper meaning", while fun and entertaining, is mere opinions. They have none. All the actors nowadays are sissified pansies. Actually.......... Not a bad idea... They were explaining the way around estate tax, one of which is one time tax free gift of $10,000. (And still keep the money) She could technically spend it on anything she wished. Well, when HIS idea was stated in the movie out of the characters mouth (from the script) and the others are mere speculation, I'd say his idea is more sensible. Bumper stickers are to subtle as well. Flagg and crew will be wearing MAGA hats. They'll NEVER do the opposite though... Turning a black character to white.... I propose, you want to turn Larry to a black man, fine... How about making mother Abigail an old white woman... Well, if you sound like one then........ Using all caps is deemed as yelling. And you called me a, "demented ventriloquist operator." I'm shoving my opinion up your ass? I simply posted a list of suggestions of things people might enjoy if they liked this film... You're the one yelling and calling me names.