MarlonBrawndo's Replies

Absolutely right. Jimmy saw an opportunity, and seized it. It illustrated how adept he is at the short game, as opposed to Chuck's long game. Actually, my error, I think. I'll give you two some privacy. <Hugh Grantish discomfiture> Ah, hello! Have we met? I never warmed to Marie, always found her annoying, though I sympathized with her. Actually, I felt the same with Walt, who I didn't like much, either as a wimp or a power-mad kingpin, though I did relate to his anti-hero escapades. I found myself sympathizing with even Gus and the cousins, among others, as we learned more about their backgrounds. I wonder how others' opinions of various characters have changed as more was revealed about them. I don't think we interacted on any of the threads, but I remember your name, and the impression that you seemed to have insight and expressed your opinions well. I mostly interacted with danloki. When the boards were shutting down, I think it was you who posted a link to a private discussion group in a PM to me, but I didn't follow up right away, and when I checked back your account was apparently deleted. I had a few postings on the old boards, which I think might have been imported to this one. I'm guessing you're dteam from IMDb? If so, good to hear from you! Agree. I was just coming back to say that I feel more balanced in my opinion of him now, as he's shown to be a supportive friend. I agree, though, that his treatment of Kim re Mesa Verde weighs on the other side of the scales. Well put. I agree, he can't be disbarred, since he's still practicing in ABQ in BB, and he certainly couldn't do that secretly. I question whether Chuck is going to have any power to dictate terms after the way the hearing went. He'll be lucky to hold onto his own license. I may be completely wrong, but I have a feeling the name change will be for another reason. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes. I'm wondering if it might not take a much darker turn, with Jimmy not wanting to be known as the lawyer who drove his brother to suicide. If the panel concludes from Chuck's behavior that Jimmy is exonerated, but Chuck must face (and, ultimately, fail) a competency hearing, it would seem Chuck's disbarment might be at hand. Having lost his wife, and (maybe even more important to him) his right to practice law, Chuck might have nothing to live for. If he is driven to suicide, Kim might not be able to stomach being in the relationship any longer, having been instrumental in the progression of events. We never heard anything of Chuck or Kim in Breaking Bad. I'm inclined to think that you are likely right. I've been hoping someone might come up with a better scenario than the entrapment angle to work in Jimmy's favor, but it seems we're all in the dark. It's my understanding that the device of entrapment is the act of providing an opportunity or incentive for someone to break the law, luring them into criminal behavior. The victim is always a free agent, in that there is no coercion, per se. As Chuck pointed out, they are officers of the court. Whether or not that would make them agents of law enforcement, I'm not certain. If law enforcement entices someone into criminal acts, entrapment is a valid defense. Perhaps they'll have a Mexican standoff, pitting entrapment against the charges against Jimmy. I'm wondering if part of a deal nixing all charges might be a demand that Kim recuse herself from Mesa Verde to avoid exposure of Jimmy's shenanigans. Hi backatcha, Dreamer! I expect we'll be seeing more of each other now that BCS is up and running again. My DVR has been freezing lately, too. Happily, not during new eps of series I'm following, like BCS. I'd have been steamed if that had happened. Just wondering--my service is through AT&amp;T/DirecTV. Same with yours, or are other services having problems, too? Again, agree strongly with your take. OT: What's your axe? I'm Strat w D'Addarios. Good analysis. Your thinking makes sense, but are you suggesting it's Hector's people tracking Mike? Also, it would be easy for the Salamancas to determine Mike's address from the police intervention at his scuffle with Tuco. Plus, they seemed to know how to find him when the cousins menaced him and his granddaughter. I think this is the best question here. Even if they (we're thinking Gus &amp; Co., right?) had tagged both of his cars, they'd have to have known it was the wagon he drove to the stakeout. Why would that tracker get switched to his other car? The only explanation I can think of is that it was a different lackey who retrieved the device than the one who left the message at the stakeout. Plot hole? I don't think they were shadowing him constantly. They just wanted to know when he might be near sensitive locations where he might disrupt their plans. If they did know he went to a junkyard after leaving his stakeout, they probably would have figured he just needed a part for the old beater he was driving.