Nicko's Nose's Replies

Why does he always have a confused look on his face? Who the hell said it was supposed to be deep? Also, how is it really dumb? I'm pretty sure similar shit happened in real life. Also 2, since when do movies need to have a point? You're not gonna convince anyone when you can't spell. If enjoying watching people die in movies/on TV is psycho, then I guess most people are psychos. Are you mentally challenged? Yes Masterchef Australia is a thousand times better. You actually get to know the contestants to the point that you care about them and there's no drama. Also the cooking in Masterchef Australia is much more advanced. "I've never been compelled to see it because the reception to it always seemed rather lukewarm." What. The. Fuck. "Scroll up and see the score of 7.4 stars, which is a good rating on IMDb." I'm sorry, but it's obvious most of the 10/10 ratings are from shills. Loser. Nothing wrong with that if they get better every time. and it's not like she didn't produce many good dishes that weren't dumplings. Why the hate on Tamara? It's not about aging, it's all of the plastic surgery. You're an idiot. The end. Wow you're not very bright, are you? All of your questions were answered in the movie. The crazy guy killed kids for Satan. The reason why he was after the family was because he thought the daughter was special and would be a special victim for Satan. The father found the dead bodies of the kids the crazy guy killed at the end. Usually when they give a backstory it makes everything less scary. No. Sup Lep? So you're complaining about Netflix making marvel superpower bullshit shows on the board of a Netflix show that isn't marvel superpower bullshit? Makes no sense. STFU Lep. Sup dude?