MovieChat Forums > FredBurroughs > Posts
FredBurroughs's Posts
Which drugs work best with this movie?
Wiggiest Movie of 2018?
How does this have a chance?
Does the movie ever explain the flakey makeup?
Steve Zahn beat Andy Serkis at his own game.
Prop Cigarettes?
A True Hollywood Outsider
I want her and Steve Buscemi to have a child.
If there were a remake today, who would be more perfect than Terry Crews for the role of Sho'nuff?
Camera Information?
This needs to be seen by more people.
The absolute pinnacle of goose acting
Fell hard
Ashley Judd?
Billion Dollar Slapdash
Was it truly good?
$22 Million?
The title perfectly describes the plot.
Is this the best in the Marine series?