Faridah's Replies

Beth is my favorite. Claire Danes is great in this movie. I love her as Beth. I just watched the episode in season 6 where her brother married his partner. I was thinking the same thing! I'm here and I'm a big fan of the show. I saw it on Hulu. He was hot even then! I've been watching the show on Hulu. I've noticed the Trump jokes. I'd forgotten how well known he was back in the 80s. I didn't pay much attention to him then so it's funny to hear them now. I love seasons 3 & 4. One of my favorites is when she has her baby and Dolly Parton is in her dream. Yes! I own up to season 5. I'm planning to buy the rest of the series soon. It makes sense just as you said. The shows run this long and it's a hit so those complaining need to get over it. Yes! It was great Hope you enjoyed it. You are both welcome. If you don't have Amazon Prime it's also on YouTube. I went there to read more comments about the movie. I'm always curious about how movies touch others so that's how I found it there. The whole movie was great except I didn't like the end where someone made a comment about a perfect child. No one is perfect and most parents know that. But it's great. There are two books written by the father and one even by the son! It's amazing. After I watched this movie Amazon recommened another movie about autism called Life Animated. That was great too! Youtube has a lot of movies and tv shows. We don't have cable but I'd be too scared to get in trouble going to bootleg sites. Right now I'm watching a movie I just randoming found on Amazon Prime. It's called Son Rise and a TV movie from 1979. It's about parents who have a son who has autism. Of course back then no one really knew what it was back then. They are told he is most likely blind and deaf since he doesn't respond to sight or sound. They are told his IQ is less than 30. Pretty much told he needs to be put in an institution. They take things into their own hands to reach him. I'm less than half way into it and always loving it. I've already looked up the Son Rise foundation, read about how the son is today (he has a book on Amazon) and read others experience at the foundation. I don't have a child who has autism but have a few friends who do and my husband has an adult cousin with it. As they say parents of kids with autism are amazing. I don't think I could do it but I guess you do what you gotta do. I will recommend this movie to everyone! Don't let it being from the 70s stop you from watching it. I use to avoid old movies and that was a mistake. A lot of my favorites are now older movies. I'd say this is the best in development wise. I see updates often and when one person mentioned having to sign back in every time the problem was solved in less than a day! The other place I visit is IMDB2. I read about that here. It's good too. I hope so too! I saw that troll and he was definitely a troll. It looked like he spent all day posting gross stuff like that. Same with the sex trolls on the Brady Bunch page. Who wastes their life trolling? Yes I will go see it now that I know it also a musical like this one. Yep and my account is officially deleted too. I also think Anne Hathaway was a perfect fit for Belle but from what I've seen in the trailers I think Emma Watson is good too. I can't wait to see it. Way too many to list plus my top favorites often change with my mood. Right now I'd say my favorite is While You Were Sleeping & You Got Mail. I watched these not too long ago.