thebricks's Replies

You're a naive high school kid who thinks they know everything. I'm just telling you that you're wrong. Very wrong. Maybe you're just gullible and thick? Don't blame me for that. Good night. I feel sorry for you if you don't think this is happening. I really do. Please, get a job, any job. See what these people are like. I went to college with a bunch of super-rich kids. All they ever did was talk about the poor and working class like they were sheep that were nothing more than pawns to manipulate. Where do you think that's coming from, dude? They can't be obvious about it, and some companies/productions would do it while others don't, likely because they are already spending a ton of advertisements and special effects, counting on that to get people into theaters instead. Imagine if you took the advertising budget and used it instead to bribe critics? Wouldn't be too hard to convince them to give a positive review, right? Think this isn't happening? What do you think a movie critic is going to do when they are fired because the advertisers, many who are movie studios themselves, refuse to pay for ads in their paper or website anymore? Why do you think Consumer Reports doesn't accept ads? Have you ever had a job and know how this works? Anywhere? Even Burger King? You're naive. Yes. What's funny is, for years, people laughed at the conspiracy theorist guys who said the government was trying to listen to everything they did. Now, in 2017, Wikileaks and other sources have basically revealed that government agencies basically are doing their best to find out what is going on in our homes. Watch Narcos, a show that was set in the late 80's. They were tapping cellphones back then that weren't turned on. Now, they are tapping modern smartphones, laptops, even smart TV's and videogame systems. You really think a movie studio can't manipulate Rotten Tomatoes? You're stupid and that's the way big business likes you to be. You're entitled to your opinion, but I feel that anytime a movie tends to be really popular, the hipsters start trying to find reasons to hate it. The schtick is getting old. You can't be this thick. It's VERY suspicious. Not sure if anyone in the government investigates fraud like this or if any journalists do investigation anymore, but it's time for an expose of what is going on. Let's be honest, one of the IMDB clones is going to take over the reins. It's inevitable. I think Bezos is going to realize he made a huge mistake and reinstate the boards when he realizes he can't suppress users from talking about movies. If he, say, tries to buy this site, I hope Anti-Trust shuts him down. He's a slimeball. Goddamn, dude, it's been what, a few weeks? Do you think every website was a smash hit in a day? This is one of the few clones that actually has a board for each site and seems to have a decent amount of posts. Go on Rotten Tomatoes and imdb2 and TheMovieDatabase. They're a joke. I've been on here a few weeks and it was slow, but it's picking up. It's fascinating. I think it would be a bad idea if Jackman quit. I agree. Sad to see the usual hipster nerds starting to trash it because it seems to be growing in popularity. Really sick of this shit. It's an incredible movie, one of the best comic book films I've ever seen. It's not a Marvel movie, it's a Fox Studios movie. Seems to me like Armond White is honest. I'm going to bet that he doesn't take money for reviews. You're not suspicious of what is going on, dude? Do you really think this many people could think that movie was good? The fix was in for this film. It's been obvious for a long time that the studios have figured out how to make this happen. I feel sorry for the idiots who believe these reviews are genuine. If this was Vegas, the bets would have been called off, they would know something is up. Facebook was a kind of clone and it succeeded. The thing is, the IMDB boards don't exist anymore. So sites like this one are guaranteed to improve and succeed over time. People are using it, the kinks are being worked out. Youtube would be smashed tomorrow if a competitor didn't have to deal with patents and their huge financial backing from Google. For whatever reason, companies can't copy them, but when they can legally do so, watch out. A lot of sites are getting rich because of that dumb fuck Bezos. Fuck Bezos.