MovieChat Forums > olioz > Replies

olioz's Replies

He looks like a pornstar from the 70's. Weren't they the same 2 who were dressed as KKK members before? :D Peep Show Haha, it's a shame Back to the Future stole the plot. Merman! But seriously though it would be the Asian ghost girl. Creepy. So what will happen at your funeral? What did you pay for it? I haven't really planned mine, but I want it to be a party/a celebration. I don't want people to sit in a chuch and cry over me and I sure as hell don't want some priest that didn't even know me to give some cliched speech about me and my life. ?! That's how I remembered it, but now as I'm watching it I'm loving it. Not as good as the first though. It's a good show, there are some really hilarious moments and the characters are great. I love seeing Marc Maron again on another show and in a relatively big role. I hope he's in season 2. I know, but I was thinking something that would be set in space. That's a shame, Erlich is my favourite character. I'm afraid the show won't be the same without him. That's a good one. Young Courteney Cox in that video. When I was a kid I was a huge Stallone fan, if a movie starred him it was automatically awesome, but even back then I hated Judge Dredd. I haven't seen it since so I don't know how I would feel about it now. I thought the remake was much better. But even that pales in comparsion to the Raid which it kind of ripped off, intentionally or not. Last Of the Mohicans has always been a personal favourite of mine and the soundtrack is amazing. I've never played Warcraft and I pretty much only wanted to see the movie because it was directed by Duncan Jones. Didn't like it. All I can say that I hope that Duncan Jones sticks to making more original stuff. I'm looking forward to Mute. I watched: Airport 77 - Your standard 70's disaster movie. If your Into these types of films you'll have a good time. It looks surprisingly good for the time, the effects have held up well. 6/10 A Dogs Purpose - I'm a dog guy so this movie really got under my skin. It get's a little too cute and sentimental at times but overall it's a movie that every dog lover should enjoy. Yeah, I cried like a little girl at the end. 7/10 Public Enemy No.1 (part 1&2) - Vincent Cassel is one of my favourite actors and this is my favourite film from him. It's the true story of French gangster Jacques Mesrine. It's filled with action, drama and some really funny moments. Judging by this movie the real Mesrine wasn't the brightest guy around which makes this film all the more enjoyable. 9/10 Hacksaw Ridge - I saw this at the theater when it came out and I absolutely loved it. It didn't have quite the impact now when I watched it at home. Still a very good WW2 movie. Andrew Garfield and Hugo Hugo Weaving are outstanding in their roles. 8/10 I'd think that they would waste more money on marketing if they didn't have faith on it being good, but who knows. I'm still going to see it. Everyone was trashing Prometheus when it came out so I skipped it at the theater and when I finally saw it I really liked it. It's okay for a one time watch, a little forgettable to be honest. I watched it because of Mike Birbiglia, but he's in it only for a couple of minutes. That was an interesting read. I agree with it mostly, but I didn't have a problem with the fourth season being more story based, it was just that the story wasn't very good, it got too dark and the comedic moments were almost totally gone. And I hated the ending, it was like they thought viewers would like an ending where Maron realizes that settling down and raising a child is what life is all about. But if you are familiar with Maron's stuff that doesen't seem like him at all and the show was based on him. Still the first 3 seasons are great. I'm constantly struggling with these thoughts. What is it all about and all that existential bullshit. I don't know how some people do it so easily, you know, be happy about just living the day to day life, go to work, have a family, kids, a house etc. I'm just too busy living in my own head. Yeah, being human is tough and life is a cruel joke(?) Grey's Anatomy is still on? I remember my ex-girlfriend loved it back in the day and I watched a few episodes with her, but it wasn't really my thing. I seriously thought it ended years ago. Sorry this didn't really help you with your question. Just because you are done with them doesn't mean everyone is. Hacksaw Ridge was a success and that was rated R. I'm always down for a good WW2 film. I'm a dog guy and it was impossible for me to watch this without shedding a tear. I got a dog when I was a kid and he died when I was 23, it was hard. The ending really got to me. This was much better than the rating would suggest, allthough a little too cute and sentimental at times.