MovieChat Forums > Iain > Replies
Iain's Replies
Potentially I would agree with "Castaway", but then it turned into a big infomercial for FedEx. Quite frustrating with their corporate logo continually on-screen.
My vote is for:
* Gravity
* The Good Earth
Have you even watched "Dexter" in toto and comprehended each episode from all 8 series?
I've seen all the episodes at least 3-4 times and each time I notice something I missed in previous viewings.
The only series I dislike is series 6, mainly due to subject matter and Colin Hanks. Even so, there are at least a couple of gems in it. Notably Episode 7 "Nebraska" and episode 12 "This is the Way the World Ends", which sets the stage for both series 7 and series 8.
That said my favourite is still series 1, because it shows Dexter Morgan at his most basic.
That's easy.
Gillian Anderson in "The Fall" and "Hannibal".
Other cast members have professional demeanors, but she doesn't. Terrible actress.
EDIT: for title correction only
Lagaan: Once Upon a Time in India (2001)
Dexter (2006)
Hannibal (2013)
The Fall (2013)
... last 2 programmes are well done, despite the severe miscasting problem common to both.
Any of the Busby Berkeley musicals:
Forty Second Street (1932)
Gold Diggers of 1933 (1933)
Gold Diggers of 1935 (1935)
Gold Diggers of 1937 (1937)
Footlight Parade (1934)
Dames (1934)
I'm unsure of the exact date, but my first post on this site indicates "one month ago". I believe it was within a day or two after IMDb closed.
I'm not vegan, but I enjoy organic romaine lettuce topped with sliced tomatoes on any type of bread with organic yellow mustard on bottom bread slice and organic catsup on top of tomatoes.
Tastes just like a hamburger, but without the dodgy meat.
Burnt (2015) - Bradley Cooper as a chef who opens a London restaurant with Michelin 3 star potential
The Great British Bake Off (2010) BBC, but moves to Channel 4.
Chef (2014)
Somm (2012)
Somm: Into the Bottle (2015) - History of Wine
A Year in Burgundy (2013)
A Year in Champagne (2014)
To clarify, I'm the antithesis of a "foodie"; I simply enjoy these films and TV programmes.
Because it's difficult to kill by any other means.
Drawbacks of guns are noise, visual flash, easily traceable bullets and gunshot residue.
"Memento" made my head explode, however.
"Luther" is well made and cast, but "The Fall" isn't. Despite the miscasting flaw however, "The Fall" is excellent,.
I dislike Gillian Anderson, whose annoying in anything she does. At least she gets her comeuppance in the finale.
Funnily, I just saw that film a few days ago. Agreed; that was odd.
Inconsistent scene quality edits.
As example, one scene may be crystal clear, but next scene will be dark and blurry. This indicates an inexperienced cinematographer. and/or low budget film.
Christian Bale, indeed.
Superb actor.
The main point of it, is that the writers were boxed in by Dexter's marriage to Rita. There was nowhere to go, so they killed her off. Watch series 4, episodes 1-4 for several examples of why this was.
Infused throughout the programme's run, Harry continually reminds Dexter that serial killers should not have a family life as they're mutually incompatible.
Michael C. Hall
Jamie Dornan
Hugh Dancy
Damian Lewis
Bradley Cooper
I've never been impressed by most actors, until recently.
The lack of security.
Band of Brothers (2001)
The Pacific (2010)
Zero Dark Thirty (2012)
The Thin Red Line (1998)
The Dam Busters (1955)