jodofett's Replies

It could be a ruse but I don't think so not with these writers!They cant keep people alive! Rest in peace we will miss you!I watched your shows and films on HBO all the time!Red Dawn,Southern Comfort and Philip Marlowe!And it was awesome to see ya on Agents of Shield too! Russians moved there ships in place!Checkmate(it wont happen again)WW3 and I don't believe that Syrian president gassed his own people!Its a setup and trump fell for it or set it up.Dont trust nobody We went to the moon but landed on a stage.USA used alien ships ours wouldn't work(that's a good one) ! Theres so many theories another is to get people attention from Vietnam.The press conference with buzz and neil and there other cohort tells me something is very wrong.Yikes they act like like there on trial for murder .Also when Neil was still alive don't talk about the moon(that was to airline pilots) and he never kept anything from it but yet he was very proud his X-15 flights maybe because those were real.Who knows Aliens on the moon scared the hell out of them. everybody is scattered all over.I found this place just before imdb died and themoviedatabase and got board.Maybe some people are lost.I tried twitter and godlike tried to get some of them to join us but they didn't seem to care.Just keep trying that's all I do.Sure its not the same.Dont give up man ! Freedom! Frak this sucks rest in peace Hudson.Aliens is the best We will miss you and nuke imdb site from orbit! I was on the Walking dead board and I knew it was going when some of the other shows I checked out were gone.Walking dead was still going though and somebody said hold the line(they new it was going) and I replied push forward and freedom!Im glad I was able to get that in maybe some of the others was able to say something.Frak them I wont go back! Frak them that pissed me off and I wont use them again!Not even a thankyou for all the good years and blam they cut ya off!I say no use for IMDumba forever Take that!And I know those bastards probably followed us. I almost didn't make it out that ship sank!Thankyou for telling me about this board!