MovieChat Forums > mudsharkbytes > Replies
mudsharkbytes's Replies
LOL! You mistake me for someone that thinks there is any point in arguing with an asshole on the internet.
I respectfully submit you’re full of yourself. I was going to say shit but reined in my first impulse.
What the hell does anything here have to do with left or right? This is what's wrong with America, right here - stupid tribalism.
Idiot insurrection loving shitheads that swallow butthurt juvenile ex presidential losers are more than welcome to join my ignore list - goodbye chump.
I could address your screed point by point but it would be a waste of time as your mind is already made up, but I am amused that for somebody who claims they're never watching this "bullshit" you certainly went to a lot of trouble to become informed about Shirley.
And my point stands, you shoot yourself in the foot missing a great movie.
LOL! You criticize a masterpiece with vapid non-starters then feel you have the ability to criticize the strength of my "reply?"
All you comment really says is: “I don’t understand.” Sorry it didn’t move you. I thought it was outstanding.
There is no evidence of Liberace liking same sex partners either, yet…
Don Shirley was NOT raised in the Deep South.
The whole point of the movie is here’s a highly educated black guy, went to the Leningrad conservatory, wanted to be a classical pianist, has no real connection with black culture, unable to fit in with both white AND black society.
There is no “artistic license” here, these are the facts of Don Shirley’s biography.
Too bad you’re cutting yourself off from an excellent movie.
That was great - really interesting. You may be casting these pearls before swine but you’ve given me anyway a lot to consider.
To me the hallmark of a great movie is how much you think about it after you’ve seen it, and that’s because it means the movie is STILL entertaining you. I saw this movie for the first time last night and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.
Pretty damned obvious he killed himself ‘cause she left the island. His fantasy with her was literally about all he had.
Who was forcing you to read it?
Who made you the arbiter of what is drawn out and repetitive and what is informative?
What kind of person praises the needless / careless destruction of knowledge?
Who cares how much dreck resided in the comments sections, it was easy to block the nitwits. There was a treasure trove of information destroyed. If you didn’t like it, you didn’t need to read it.
Pay attention here. The webcam resides on top of the screen - light will not bend around from the screen back into the webcam. There wasn’t a mirror behind him.
Please explain how, using a single webcam on a desktop OR a laptop, any hacker can capture both you and what’s on your screen at the same time.
They can’t. They could compile a split screen but that is not any kind of proof that you’re looking at illegal smut, certainly not anything that would serve as blackmail.
I quite LOVED the fact that there was no background given for how the world got this way. We were dropped into a nightmare, a stylish one at that, and it even managed to pull your heartstrings a bit at the end.
I consider Metalhead to be one of the best Black Mirror episodes tbh…
I quite LOVED the fact that there was no background given for how the world got this way. We were dropped into a nightmare, a stylish one at that, and it even managed to pull your heartstrings a bit at the end.
I consider Metalhead to be one of the best Black Mirror episodes tbh…
Please explain how the first copies had any memories of their lives outside of the game either, as DNA does not map memories, only biology.
The real problem here is your DNA doesn’t contain your memories and personality, it’s just a blueprint of your biology. While, for the sake of argument, it may be possible for Daly to clone his employees into his game, these clones would be mindless vessels with no memory of the outside world.
Don’t be too concerned.
While it may, technically, be somehow possible to clone you into a video game with a sample of your DNA, that clone with just be an empty vessel. Your DNA does not contain your personality and memories, just the blueprint of your biology.
None of those people on the Callister would have any functional memories of their life outside that simulation.
Other than that, it’s a great episode!
The whole point is the ONLY way to show that he was masturbating to child porn is to have another camera over his shoulder showing both him beating his meat AND his computer screen at the same time. There is no other way to really blackmail him.
I agree White Christmas is an outstanding episode and very disturbing.
My other top favorites are White Bear, The National Anthem, and Metalhead - honorable mention going to USS Callister for being so over the top despite a glaring plot hole so big you can drive an entire DNA strand through it!
Exactly. It was a treasure trove of info and discussions by all manner of interesting people and professionals going all the way back to the early days of usenet, and they just tossed it away like it was trash.
I'm still pissed and only go to IMDB when forced.