MovieChat Forums > MMaya > Replies
MMaya's Replies
oh right I totally mixed it up!! you just made me feel little better! :)))
I added spoilers tag in the title, it's all I can do as I didn't actually post a spoiler, I was guessing that Cersi is lying and somehow it became a spoiler when other said smth similar will actually happen. it was not my intention with original post.
I literally guessed the spoiler without even trying haha ;)
Because of what I wrote in the thread, I honestly though she was lying, and if she lies about pregnancy, she would have to fake miscarriage later to get out of it... It didn't occur to me she would actually be pregnant again and trying to break that prophecy as another user wrote but it makes sense. and no it's not a big spoiler haha :) I wasn't mad or anything...
I didn't read any spoilers I was just thinking out loud... there are spoilers about this? Well you just spoiled it for me...
I was more saddened by House Tyrell demise, while I respected Tarly I did not like him as a man, or how he betrayed Tyrells so.. karma. His dickoff now...
I didn't mind it either until now, I actually enjoyed slower pace, it gave the show it's vibe and ability to build atmosphere and characters and quality instead of rushing and making things superficial. I don't like that. It's just this season is so short and so many answers we want and things we want to see can't happen now obviously and now we'll have to wait another year, it's just frustrating :) as they did pick up the pace this year I hopped the east watch will resolve this episode, I didn't know that will be the main event. and it's exactly like you said there have been no big revelations, so that's why I feel this episode was a bit of a waste
I know that play would be way to obvious and predictable and week story line. I do hope they have something more interesting in store with him.
I know it's getting ridiculous, at this point it's like: let's just have him sneak around and lurk in the corners :))) I think the only reason he's still alive is he might have some info or knowledge that will play a part somehow..
why do you think that? All reports suggest they fall in love and ran away together... from what I've heard.. but i don't know all the history so I'd like to hear more :)
I think the idea is he was so in love with Lyanna he didn't want to be with anyone but her. Also she was not Targaryan, she was a Stark, it would be dishonor to her to publicly be a second wife no one did that in Westeros, and I'm sure she wouldn't want too either.. it was dishonor already that she fell in love with another woman's husband too, and betrayed a man she was promised to- Robert, but that's why they ran away together in secret. Anyways I love how they slipped that in tonight.
yeah, I don't know if that's because of the staff change or something, or production got lazy, or time and budget issues, or maybe just because lots of characters died over the years, and lots of quality actors went away and you can feel that loss.. anyways I hope it picks up and gets better as the season goes on. personally, I think they should've left it at 10 episodes to keep the normal pace instead of cutting corners.
I feel like story is gonna be amazing this year, lots of things we've been waiting on for years.. BUT-- the quality of the show seams to be going down horribly! Everything seams rushed and more cheap. Writing and dialogs are weaker, atmosphere is not there, all the little details in the show and background that gave that special vibe are stripped, somehow it just feels like it's not the same quality anymore.
Honestly I hated Joffery way way more! I was scared of Ramsey but didn't hate him as much as Joffrey. in contrast love Jake Gleeson... seen some interviews with him, what a sunshine! Such a sweet and smart kid and you only that realize what a terrific actor he is!
I know it's probably budget thing, judging by Nymeria he'd also be huge now... but it's suck they got lazy with that and we don't see him anymore. they should've calculated things like that in a steady budget, cuz when they start to cut on things like this, removing details from cinematography, the show keeps looking cheaper and less atmospheric every year :(
well he's a creep who's clearly eying his little sister, who wouldn't be. :) But I agree, John needs to have more tact and diplomacy than his father had.
I really don't know why people are so confused by that scene it's not that complicated. Nymeria's destiny parallels Arya's.. just like other dire wolfs are connected to their owner and have similar traits and destinies. GRR Martin was very clear on that dire wolfs are mirrors of their owners in how they described them. The only one who's destiny wasn't the same so far was Sansa/Lady... but maybe that's something to think about and i still coming. Arya had to banish Nymeria to save her, so Nymeria was cast out into unknown on her own, and had to fend for herself, just like Ari. She's been trough a lot and grew stronger on her own and rise to become a leader of her own pack. Now that they met again they are both changed too much. Connection is still there but Nymeria has been trough a lot and now has a destiny of her own, to lead her pack. That's why Arya said "That's not you..." Just like years ago her father told her one day she will be a lady of the court and she said "That's not me..." Nymeria can't just turn around and jump back at Arya's feel and be her little puppy again... she has independent life now. But I am sure eventually she will come back to her... :)
I really don't see the big deal. if it was anyone else no one would complain. He didn't act he said two words and just sit there. He certainly didn't ruin anything for the viewer or changed anything in the scene, and it meant a lot to him cuz he's a huge fan, let the boy live.... People are just pissed cuz they recognized him and he had a chance to be part of the show...
How would she know? At this point it's been long time since Arya disappeared, no one in Westeros knows anything about her, they probably assume she's dead by now. They have no clue she is back. The only witnesses at Frey's house were those few maids and they would have no clue it is Arya. And she was vague on purpose, she didn't say tell them I am Arya Stark, she said tell them "Winter came for house Frey" because she wants to spread fear among her enemies, like this faceless assassin coming for them all... I don't think she want news that she's alive known yet, she has element of surprise.
aaaah YES thank you!!!! can't watch the show until tomorrow so I'm gonna leave before more spoilers but this is sooo good to hear!! Frey bastards!!!!