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[email protected]'s Replies
I would definitely go along with The Birdcage.
I have not seen a lot of movies on your list. But I would say a big NO to the remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The remake with Donald Sutherland was quite good, I’ll grant you that. But for me, nothing beats the original. The slow build up ,the voiceover of Kevin McCarthy, the paranoia and beautifully done in black and white. Movies like that just beg to be made in b&w. Color is too cheerful!
I have this on DVD and I watch it ever so often, especially on rainy, stormy night.
And the classic Father of the Bride with Spencer Tracey could never be improved upon. You cannot remake perfection.
I actually decided to finally buy my own copy. But I ordered the remake by mistake. I donated it to the library without even watching it.
I join with some posters who prefer the Looney Tunes characters! They were the funniest characters ever. I even identify with Tweety Bird. I was always the littlest kid and so innocent looking, but with a very evil mind who knew how to get revenge😉😉😁😁
Interesting coincidence though, another thread just asked about jewelry and I got to thinking about my Mickey Mouse watch which broke a number of years ago. I have been wanting to replace it. Mickey may have not been my favorite cartoon character but I love his jewelry.
I have a bunch of stuff that I never wear! I was never a big jewelry person.
But from the time I was a child, I loved rings. I always wear a couple. I usually wear a watch but the battery is dead and I keep forgetting to take it to the jeweler.
I have a second watch that needs to be repaired. Hint: never wear a watch with a stretchy band when you are trying to put a cat into its carrier to go to the vet😉
I don’t have pierced ears. Never wanted them. I used to wear earrings occasionally, but I haven’t for years.
I’ve got a number of chains and little necklaces but I rarely wear them anymore.
The one thing I have been wearing since last year is a silver bracelet that was a gift. It’s tiny silver beads, almost the size of ball bearings.
On weekends I work in an Italian restaurant. Two young brothers ( 21 and 16) work there part time. They went to Sicily last summer to visit their grandparents. They brought the bracelet back for me as a souvenir of their trip. So I wear it all the time.
Yes, great song.
Oh yes. I always think of that song “When Smokey Sings”….I hear violins…
And still lookin good. Happy Birthday😍
In fairness to Ethel, she didn’t really believe Ricky would cheat on Lucy with Minnie Finch. And that was before she saw her!
Who would Fred cheat WITH? Mrs. Trumbull?😀
Fan Magazine Interview is one of my favorite episodes. Ethel does entertain the possibility of Fred being unfaithful.
After seeing Minnie and her girlfriends, “You don’t think Ricky would date those three? Fred yes, Ricky no.”😂😂😂
Well…Ethel HAD been a local celebrity back in her youth. Ethel Mae Potter, We Never Forgot Her read the banner. lol
It is a weak point though as you said. Why was there no publicity about Ethel’s supposed film?
Of course back then without internet, news didn’t travel so fast. I wonder how Ethel explained things to her father. Probably just said her picture had been shelved. It would be believable since Ricky’s film Don Juan got shelved.
Of course Ethel and Fred DID eventually get parts in a movie. Remember how they ran into an old friend who offered them a part in his picture. Ethel said they would be working on it for “two whole weeks”.
I liked Ethel’s one woman show. But you probably are in agreement with the late Bill Frawley.
Supposedly on the set he used to ask, “Geez, who told that dame she could sing?”
Still I liked her selections much more than the ones Fred and his old vaudeville partner Barney Kurtz sang in another episode.
Yes, Billy was sure more attractive than Fred. And he was much nicer to Ethel!
My ex husband loved this movie. I wonder what that says about him😁🙄🙄
Actually Sister Wendy had some pretty entertaining anecdotes.
One thing that never occurred to me was the amount of tact some painters had to use when painting portraits of families.
I forget the artist, but he was painting a noble family around the 17thcentury.
Sister Wendy said that they were “not an attractive group” to put it mildly. The artist still had to paint them how they looked, but sort of “pretty them up” on canvas.
I am so mean. I thought, that’s how they looked when he made them attractive!🤪 Yikes, in real life they must have been a family of bow wows!
When you are a photographer you can retouch photos, have the person pose on their good side, etc. But when an artist had to do whole families, boy, he had to use tact and fix them up on canvas.😂
Good question. Art History would be a choice. I have the PBS series The History of Painting by Sister Wendy. But it is on VHS and I don’t have a VCR anymore. That technology came and went so fast.
Sister Wendy explains cave paintings, all the great masters, all the way up to Andy Warhol.
It was interesting to learn how the wealthy hired artists to do all their family portraits.
My niece just graduated from college and she studied art. She has sold some paintings already. She mostly does wildlife scenes. So I bug her a lot😁
I ask her questions. I just like to know WHY artists choose the colors they do, what is the meaning of different objects in paintings, etc. What she thinks of abstract art ( she loathes it as much as I do!)
Hundreds of years ago the painting told a whole story. Most people could not read, so you “read” the painting.
Even some of the black characters on the show objected to it!
Like Dre’s mother who said it sounded “too black”. They should give the baby a name where people won’t know he’s black until they hear him on the telephone.😁😁😀
Dre’s friend Charlie at work said that if he got on a plane and he heard the announcement that the Captain was Devonte Johnson, he would no longer be ON the plane.😆
This show was absolutely fearless in attacking every trope, every prejudice, etc. It was hilarious (I think).
I will definitely have to go with Jaws. I thought Close Encounters was a really boring movie!
I have only seen a few minutes of this movie although I do know the basic plot.
Are we supposed to believe that a guy who looked like Richard Gere had no alternative but to pick up hookers???? And one with horse teeth like Julia Roberts? He surely could have done way better..
Stupid premise for a stupid movie.
…and Blue. Like the late baseball player Vida Blue. Was he making fun of smurfs with that name?😄
Holy cow, just read the freaking Constitution. Nowhere in it did the Founders put the government in general or the President in particular in charge of everyone’s health.
Geez, take responsibility for your OWN life. If you are elderly, have health issues, work in a nursing home, etc., go get a flu shot. Or else avoid going out in public as much as possible.
Washington is not supposed to be a nursemaid. If you want a flu shot, get one.
I know she did a V movie years ago and she played Venus. I didn’t watch it, but I asked a friend who saw it how it was.
He said it was just awful. She couldn’t act at all. Well, not everyone who is a celebrity for one reason or another can parlay their fame into an acting career.
I think the little Princess cherishes being married to lots of money more than anything. I’d love to see a picture of her “gardening”, yeah, on her knees pulling weeds and digging in the dirt.🤪
So easy to find joy in the everyday when you don’t have to find a way to pay your bills and afford food. Never mind entertaining(!)
Never thought a dick like you would EVER run out of gay stuff to say😂😂😂 Sorry, couldn’t resist
Oh you are bad! lol. I love Lucy AND Ethel. Lucy without Ethel is like peanut butter without jelly, coffee without cream.😁😁
You did start a thread a few months ago about Ethel the troublemaker. This is just more of the same.
In the first Europe episode Ethel was just looking out for Lucy. She was suspicious about Ricky being alone with the band on a long trip. Lots of temptations.
In the episode when they visit Ethel’s hometown she did go overboard. She had been a local celebrity and couldn’t resist all the attention they paid to her. No doubt she fibbed to her daddy in her letter. But he went all out and treated his “little Ethel” like a big celebrity. Mr. Potter obviously couldn’t stand his son-in-law and so he was glad that Ethel had some success in her life, or so he thought.
Ethel didn’t come to town expecting to be interviewed for the local newspaper. Her daddy was the one who insisted she do a show for the town.
Of course Ethel could have refused. But she was caught up in being the center of attention.
In almost every episode Lucy gets to be the center of attention. So this one time it was Ethel’s turn. I don’t think there was any harm done. And as for being her friends, they tried to sabotage her one woman show!
Ha! I did not know that! If people are thin skinned and touchy, it is best to avoid SNL and a lot of comedy in general.
I always thought of SNL as an equal opportunity offender.😀