MovieChat Forums > ecarle > Replies
ecarle's Replies
Whether movies are better today or worse is debateable ..every generation likes d ifferent things. But three things have changed them. Corporate control and consolidation. Silicon Valley taking over effects and cinematography from old school shops. A lowest common denominator international market.
Question marks keep it accurate! You could look it up!
Her TV husband, Larry David, has gone on record with his support.
He says "I support Cheryl Hines."
That dark ending would have lined up with Chinatown and other 70s downers..but Hitchcock was old fashioned and often stated that his audience needed relief after suspense..a happy ending. Though neither Frenzy nor Psycho have truly happy endings. The killer is caught, thats all. Innocent people have died horribly and loved ones will feel the pain forever. By the way, screenwriter Anthony Shaffer wrote both Frenzy in 1972 and The Wicker Man in 1973, Frenzy from a novel.
How the hell did she fire the that thing?
Bond Girl Number One...Ursula Andress...had a brief star career in the sixties.
Ah yes...Glynis Johns. I think she counts a little. Movies in the 50s, TV series in the 60s, funny part in the movie The Ref in the 90s.
And Mary Poppins.
But Soul is more recent and famous to be sure.
Well, the first 2 of 2024...
The first of 2024?
I just watched South Pacific the other night and headed over to IMdb and read that...I thought. I may have misremembered. Im not where I can reference that now.
They had other trivia in there where someone complained about the filters years later and Logan said something like "well, I made 3 million off that movie so I cant complain now."
Newman is basically an "undercover cop" but as a fake defector to the Communists.
From the farm scene on, Newman is in danger of getting his cover blown. He must get the formula out of the German scientists head, and escape home from the Iron Curtain with Andrews. The chase is on!
Hitcockian suspense simplicity. Good stuff.
Yes he is!
Even Sean Connery made it TO 90. But died at that age. Still, most folks right now are lucky to see 80.
That will change. These old actors are leading the way!
We have a good crop of male actors.. some retired, some not.. 90 or older. Eastwood, Hackman, Caine...Duvall. Turns out they really were tough guys. Im thinking of Caine in Get Carter...
Some men exert ve geance and power over women like Natalie Portman by cheating on them. Some women like cheating with Natalie Portmans husband to feel like they beat out a woman more famous than they are.
As she grew older in the 60s, Doris Day liked (required) to be photographed through a gauzy filter that removed her wrinkles.
However, I understand that the color filters in South Pacific were chosen by director Josh Logan to give different emotions to different scenes. Logan claimed the lab overdid the colors and he could not fix that.
And what was that show...? The one with Jon Hamm...
Well good that they have not disappeared entirely..but "free with ads" is what Turner Classic Movies and some other pay premium cable channels were meant to END. "Commercial-free" they are called. We are going backwards...DVDs are the save.
I probably dont care properly for my dvds. Yet a lot of them are still ok. I think i will take better care of them! Ps. I liked watching NXNW on cable/streaming to spare a dvd play..
I hear ya. DVDs wear out and need to be repurchased. I worry dvds will disappear too. Any other choices, I wonder. Other than my memories...
January 2024
HBO Max is now Max..and in the Turner Classic Movies hub...North by Northwest is long gone and disappeared. Just the old British Hitchcocks and Foreign Correspondent. The Warners Hitchcocks Strangers on a Train and Dial M for Murder are gone too...isnt TCM owned by Time Warner? I hear that Peacock has the Paramount and Universal Hitchcocks like Rear Window Psycho and The Birds.
But North by Northwest? Gone from streaming forever?
(aka Roger1)
Le Monde...but google Paul Schrader and there are multiple articles with the quotes.
Schrader still thinks it is a good movie...and so do I. You should see it.
Btw..links lead to an older article on Paul Schrader that is kind of sweet. His wife, actress Mary Beth Hurt, has Alzheimers and is in a facility. Schrader moved into the facility just to be near her.
Happy New Year