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thecritic's Replies
Nope. I love Star Trek. Especially TOS. Really love the ideas of intelligence being rewarded, equality, and world peace actually being established.
Also love that most tech and advancements we have, were inspired by Trek. Like cell phones, computers, voice recognition tech, etc...
Also Trek fans, I think like to be called Trekkers, well I like that better anyways. We are smarter and on the right side of history. Most decent people tend to be ST fans. ST is a force of good in this world. Nu!trek is a different story tho....
I agree I kinda of disagree with today's 'feminism'. I am for women having equal rights and being able to be free, etc. BUT I am against what I like to call FAKE feminism. You know women who subscribe to reducing themselves to physical sex objects, then calling it 'freedom' 'feminism' or the like.
When you use your BODY/feminine wiles to get ahead in life that is YES, the OPPOSITE of feminism! Feminism is all about women NOT being physical objects.
Case in point, I saw a story about a 13 yo school girl that got dress coded (whatever that means) for wearing a top that was showing off her bare shoulders and basically her entire top. Her (admittedly also slutty older sister) went ape shit and protested it saying this policy was anti feminist/sexist. When these two harlots were the REAL anti feminists/sexists.
I looked up the older whore's social media, and yup, photo after photo of her slutting it up. Boobs out, low cut shirts, bra showing in some cases, kissing poses, etc.... OK when you are asking the world permission to USE YOUR BODY to get ahead in life you are NOT a feminist.
I read the comments section, and A LOT of people, if not the majority, were FOR the dress code. Basically they made fabulous arguments. IN LIFE there is a DRESS CODE for EVERYTHING. And SCHOOL dress codes prepare you for WORK dress codes. Unless you work in porn or something LOL. If you wanna dress like a whore, save it for the club, or when you are at home, or a party. But get ready to be called a whore, because that is what you are. I just DON'T GET women who dress like whores, act like whores, then are OFFENDED when you call them whores. They are just calling a spade a spade.
SO TIRED of these whores calling their backwards SELF objectifying ways 'feminism.' IT'S NOT! You are doing it to get attention, to get treated better, to use your feminine whiles to get stuff = opposite of feminism. Really happy other people are seeing this too. I always think I'm the only one.
Well, the first pilot was called The Cage. #2 the role spock has now, was a woman. Nbc rejected this and the only way they would let star trek on air was if they demoted women to the more sexist roles.
Gene tried his best.
Unfortunately nu!trek is just as bad, if not worse.
The better question is why a twig like her was cast as a amazon at all? The problem with 'women's rights' is more than armpit hair. Like the fight on make up...wear it or don't. Don't try to force any one.
But this woman could be beat up by a 10 yo boy I'm sure with him snapping her in half easily lol. I mean look at her. Reminds me of Angie in that bend a bullet movie....where people were like 'how the fuck can those sticks she is trying to pass off as arms even hold up those heavy heavy guns ONE HANDED?' lol!
I agree when I saw this new season, I was like....where's Bash. Then I remembered oh, the actor got another tv show.
The lead of this tv show did a similar thing when she was on Teen Wolf. Kinda hate people abandoning successful shows, leaving them to die possibly to have a show of their own that might not even take off. That actually happened for most of the actors that thought they could do better without Teen Wolf. And sadly Teen Wolf, with one of the most rabid fan bases, is in it's last season.
With about 10 billion abandoned story lines (Jackson, Cora, Boyd, Erica, Derek, all their replacements also vanished lol)
Bash actor has decidedly taking a drop in popularity. I really hate the Ego......
I mean he was a main character, ah well he might come back, his show looks bad
What I don't get is why these pretty girls get with hideous men in the first place. Her hubbies were ugly imo....she can have any one i'm sure....why does she pick the ugliest men???
And not just her all these pretty women that most men want. Katy Perry was with that ugly Russel Brand and then that lotr guy that I think looks like shit. And look at Ariana Grande with that guy. I just don't get it? Is is rebellion? They like the 'bad boys'? Really a mystery to me.....
One theory I have is they come, genitally, from an attractive family, so dating another attractive person (high cheekbones, clear skin, tall, in shape, well mannered, etc...) would seem like incest. Really grasping at straws here......
After she had her first kid she just can't seem to loose the baby weight. I just hate her in general even before the baby. But the actress so super hippy. So when you gain weight most people gain in the mid section. If you notice s1 they constantly tired to hid her huge ass hips. (long tops, dark bottoms, etc.) But now that she has and two kids, her body is gone. Really doubt she will ever get back into shape. Maybe if she gets fired, and need to get another job she has to get back into shape.
No offence but no one in Hollywood will hire a fatty.....unless that is the basis of your character 'old lady/the fat friend/etc'
She was hired since she looked decent at the start...but if she had tried to get the job the way she looks now, never would have gotten her foot in the door. Snow actress knows that the show can't kick her out, why she has no motivation to lose the weight. But thankfully she has been in less scenes these last eps thank god! Fingers crossed they kill her and her hubby off, tbh so tired of them both!
Well at the time Hook did not know it was his father....and like other poster said 'he was different then' tbh his father would have died it's like one of those 'the villain dies on his own so as not to taint the hero' I think it's the same thing that will happen in this case.
Also the time line of this show is bonkers.....If hook was young, and the curse hit...he was in never land but wait ....that happened when Rumple was still a mortal......and rumple is hella old.....sooo if right after that he went to never land, he would not be around for kill charming's daddy......even tho his son and charming were the same age.....since his son I think was also trapped in never land...or something...this show
I feel like Regina is business casual. But she always looks good, polished. Since she is the mayor. Mary looks like crap, I hate Mary so there's that. But really she always looks like she rolled out of bed. She wears GAP type clothing. Boring.
Disney animated movies...into live actions
no point and the remakes are trash
I'm glad more people are catching on to a bunch of stuff suddenly happening when an someone has a movie out and need all the press they can get.
It's so obvious one wants to cast her as she can't act. It's her first major project in a long time, and all of a sudden, we hear all this news coming from her.
At least some good might come from this, people finally seeing though the media's lies. Only reason she was cast was to drag some of the HP fan base to these abysmal remakes.
Yeah I agree. She actually complained when she landed a role of a life time with Hermione. "They came to my school and made me audition!" Oh you poor girl...... Talk about getting your life handed to you on a sliver platter, while also having a silver spoon in your mouth...both her parents were lawyers....
Also hate how fake feminist she is. She is only where she is due to her appearance. Which is the total opposite of feminism, women being valued for their minds not bodies. So funny she made all these feminist speeches. If she truly believed them she should give up her career to a girl that is talented. Whoops no, she whats that money train to keep on rolling!
Really despise this girl tbh. So many talented women and she gets chosen. Similar to 'singers' that are made popular for their appearance. When good music is overlooked, since the person behind it is not up to snuff visually.....sad. She got the role and not another, actually talented actress.
To be objectified of course. She is a twig that can't fight anyways. Nothing about the casting, costume, etc...makes any sense. She is a physical object and that is all.
The worst thing is that she is representing 'girl power' when it's the total opposite. The only reason she is in this movie is her body. Shallow.....getting by on looks. The whole thing of women's rights is that women are not physical objects.....
Yeah I made a comment about this too. Apparently to be a powerful independent woman you have to be a skinny pretty tall model like white, inspiring......
Pretty odd even for these days, with the whole body positive movement. We still get the same casting. White models....
It's societies fault really. Women are first and foremost seen as here only to please men. Michael Bay movies are the best example. The only women that exist are hot women. The studios are looking to make money, that ever important young male demographic. But wait can't men just go online if they want to 'view' women? It really makes no sense really.
Mostly just stacking the deck pretty actors/cgi/explosions/existing fan base/tie in movies.......
Also lmao they did a 'behind the scenes' feature where they showed her 'training' LOL and she's like 'they made me so strong'. When she does the whole wrist bracelet blocking thing it looks like her arms will break! Like to be as skinny as she is you must avoid at all costs bulking up. Muscle does that.
I agree with you she looks totally out of place. When I watch the movie it will be an unintentional comedy as she in no way can be this character, ah well. Watching her will be like watching a cripple on chemo and crutches fight off all the bad guys, while a bunch of buff built men stand around and cower. LOL I am a comedy fan! It will be like Twilight all over again!
I used to like all kinds of cereal until they made them 'whole grain' now most cereal tastes like flavored cardboard.....sad
Cereal used to be basically's a hollow shell of what it used to be. I vividly remember the taste before the whole grain bs happened.
I just get angry people making decisions for us. "You need more whole grain." Do I? Just stupid. I think they wanted a cheaper way to make it or something. Also hate when they change candy. After the 2008 recession they changed candy bars too. To make them cheaper. Like I think they changed milky way to have more pointless caramel. Caramel is just pure sugar, caramelized lol. Just put sugar in a hot pan, boom caramel. So cheap. It's like a thin chocolate shell holding caramel and a sliver of a peanut is hiding in there or something....I miss how it used to be, thick like a snickers. But the balance was perfect.
I think they were trying to market it as fighting obesity. I mean people are obese mostly cuz they keep eating. Apples are healthy but if you randomly eat 12 that's bad. Eating 1 bowl of delicious cereal is fine. Suddenly eating 10 is not. You can't stop people from eating the volume of food they eat by making it taste like crap (trying to make it healthy). In fact that's worse. They will feel unsatisfied and eat more......
But the one's I like are: (keep in mind before the whole grain crap)
Oreo O's (best cereal ever made, they don't make them anymore sadly, at least they were not tainted by whole grain bs)
Corn Pops
Lucky Charms
Coco Pebbles
French Toast Crunch
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Rice Krispies
Cocoa Krispies
Fruity Pebbles
Cookie Crisp
Frosted Mini Wheats
Raisin Bran
Apple Jacks
Honey Nut Cherrios
Honey bunches of oats
Honey Smacks
Honey Graham Ohs!
Golden Crisp
Frosted flakes
Also more I can't remember since they were either so long ago, or limited edition cereals.
The thing is that at the time of Twilight she basically had to date Robert Pattison her co star. This is what is known as a showmance. Just like how In High School Musial that main girl and guy were an item. Funny how when the movie/tv show/record/book/etc....drops they suddenly break up.
I had a friend remark to me at how at EVERY movie premier she could not wait to take off her dress and put on a pair of pants. I never really noticed as I just don't care. I just thought it was people normally do like for the 'after party' but she was decidedly dressed down. Also it was pretty clear to them that it was fake relationship. Free publicity. I am pretty shocked these days that people don't question these things. Even you tube stars talked about this. In order for them to get more fame, they would line up other people for them to date, to get more famous.
I think that's what the whole Katy Perry/Russel Brand marriage was about. At the time both were half famous. But together they made 1 real celebrity. After Katy got famous she did not need him and boom divorce. No offence but people tend to have a type. And look at who Katy's dated...mostly men seen as handsome. And then Russel.....
So I guess she had to 'half' come out as it were, so as not to embarrass the Twilight crowd. Since that would make it so clear that kstew/rpatz were a fake couple. That's why she did not do the whole, Ellen "Yep, I'm gay" cover thing. She has to have a 'soft' coming out so she does not have to admit/apologize/etc...for that fake relationship imo
I think a similar thing is happening with Selena Gomez and The Weeknd.....she has no album out, no movie out but gotta stay in the spotlight, so she featured on another artists song (we don't talk any more) with Charlie Puth, and now is 'dating' this guy. Funny how the media doles out each thing one at a time. They will probably be together until her album drops...then break up right before the drop for a media firestorm so people will buy the album. Or some months after wards for some more free press......
I'm here. I used to go to imdb boards every time I just finished watching a new H50 ep. But this would be the first time I could not do that. Thank god for this site.
I mean the eps are getting more are more silly I agree. The last ep....the ending was like really? So many twists and turns. This last's just, every ep is like 'how will we get out of this nearly impossible situation?' then there is an easy way out......a bit cheap. The eps started out sensible, but now every ep is more outlandish then the last. A global terrorist plot just to take out 5-0 come on! And so many things happening on this's been talked about before. But it's getting too much.
I find myself rolling my eyes wayy too often watching this show. At least keep it plausible. I know people always want more, but even for this show things have gotten so silly. Not to mention all the people that have left/are barely on. Like that doc, and where tf is Kono's husband Adam? He got out of jail right? Would you not think he would be invited to a dinner like that in the last ep? They invited a criminal but not her husband? Lol! You could say it's cops only...but they invited the shrimp people? The lack of these characters are embarrassing.
You could say it messes up the pacing of the ep, but can't they have Adam like wake up with Kono and bid her a good day at work? A quick phone call, anything? I am assuming with her being a mother now, she has less time, she was never really that main a character but still. I kinda don't like how the actors in this show kind cast their roles aside. Reminds me of Teen Wolf, how basically everyone left. And lmao most of the people that left kinda failed anyways. Side characters at best in other shows Tyler/side on supergirl, Colton/side on Arrow, Daniel/Gage/etc...fell of the face of the earth. Only person that got her own show was the Cora girl that was barely in 1 ep anyways..... *sigh*
I gotta agree....most of her songs are quickly forgotten not sure if she has a career anymore.
Not only that they are trying to give her a career boost imo. She did not do much since HP. I don't think any of the HP actors really found the same amount of fame after HP ended for them. Dan kinda did some stuff. Rupert did some movies. Emma just seems to be cast for her appearance...that's it, she can't really act imo.
lol here are some more
I really like this one: