Satan2016's Replies

December 8, R rating. "Shatner isn't exactly known for being a paragon of inclusiveness or progressive thought" Good for him. He takes on SJWs too. Can't wait for his response to Discovery. Say hello to Dolly's mountains. Still only conservative news sites reporting the Democrat's big scandal. Imran Awan, a former IT aide for Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, was indicted Thursday on four counts including bank fraud and making false statements. Awan and other family members for years had a lucrative arrangement for IT-related work on Capitol Hill for House Democrats. According to The Daily Caller, the members of the Pakistani family made at least $4 million since 2009. In a recent interview published in the Sun Sentinel, Wasserman Schultz blamed the “right-wing media circus fringe” for the attention on Awan. Her colleagues in Congress, though, say there are serious security implications in her former staffer's case. Of course they killed it. Polar bears eat people. Inuit eat animals, not tofu! Polar bears are thriving, not endangered. The natives totally oppose the status. This board is for an episode of the AMC Jedi Council youtube channel! The episode is over a year old. Never heard of Scheer. Writer-actor-comedian Paul Scheer (The Disaster Artist) has been tapped to pen the script for the Paramount Television-produced series. Scheer takes over for the feature film's original scribe, Robert Gordon, who was on board to pen the script for the Amazon reboot. The Amazon series is described as a new take on the cult movie that starred Tim Allen and the late Alan Rickman as well as Sigourney Weaver. Just google Salma Hayak. In the purple dress at some awards. I just wanna see her Birthday suit. L Ron's news section has lots of good CoS articles. Togo is having a party! The press releases keep you informed of cool stuff in Clearwater FL. This sums it up: "Like Eliot Ness, who never met Al Capone, Jim Fitzgerald never met Ted Kaczynski." Too many IMDb reviews give it 10* because they sympathize with Ted. Same as "people of color"! Not available. Try [url][/url] (last 30s) You mean the only trusted news network. Are you denying facts? I will check who's picked up the story. Mostly conservative. The only MSM so far is this opinion piece: It mentions three that originally reported it: The Nation, Consortium News, ZeroHedge Especially worshippers of Marx! This is the end of season 8: Good review of the five July episodes. You can't float in vegi oil. Probably for lube jobs. Wotta pathetic little troll. Nobody has to watch this crap, that's what critics are for.